Chapter 23

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Matt: so how long is Trish parents going to be staying

Lita: for a little while why

Matt: because I was wondering if you would like to have them over for dinner or a BBQ

Lita: yeah that sounds like a great idea when do you want to do it

Matt: maybe this Saturday around 5:30pm

Lita: awesome idea what should we make

Matt: I don't know yet how about you and Trish make a list of what type of foods and drinks we need

Lita: ok we can do that do you want me to call Trish and ask her if she wants to do the BBQ

Matt: yeah sure if you want to

Lita: ok I will be right back

Matt: ok

Trish and Lita phone call (T,L)

Lita: hey

Trish: hi what are you doing

Lita: nothing I was just wondering if you want to have a BBQ with us

Trish: yeah when

Lita: maybe this Saturday at 3:00pm

Trish: yeah that sounds great

Lita: ok I will see you there bye

Trish: bye

End of conversation

Matt: what did Trish say

Lita: she said that she wants to come and she said we can start around 3:00pm this Saturday

Matt: ok what would we bring to eat and stuff

Lita: I don't know Trish and I can go to the grocery store and get some stuff

Matt: ok

Trish: so are you ready for this BBQ

Lita: yes so what are we all getting at the grocery store

Trish: hamburgers, tomatoes, pickles,cheese,bread,pop,juices,water, ketchup,mustard, mayonnaise,chips,napkins,paper plates

Lita: that sounds amazing let's go

Trish: ok

Lita: so how are your parents

Trish: they have been great

Lita: that good do they like it down here

Trish: oh yeah they love it down here and they love the warm weather

Lita: that's great

Trish: yeah

Lita: so how are you and Jeff  been lately

Trish: we have been great

Lita: when was the last time when you and Jeff went out by yourself's without Angel or your parents

Trish: it's been awhile why

Lita: because I was wondering if you and Jeff want to go on a double date with Matt and I one day

Trish: yeah sure when

Lita: maybe this weekend we could go on a weekend trip with our men and get away for a little bit

Trish: yeah where at

Lita: in the mountains

Trish: sure

Lita: ok we can ask your parents if they wouldn't care to watch the girls for us

Trish: yes and I am pretty sure that they wouldn't care to watch them

Lita: right

At the house
Trish: guys we are here

Jeff: what did you guys get to eat and drink

Trish: everything

Jeff: ok so Matt and I are going to go throw everything on the grill

Trish: ok

Lita: do you want to help me cut up the easy stuff

Trish: yeah sure

Later that day

Jeff: food is ready

Trish: thank God I am starving

Matt: yeah us to where are Angel and Charity at

Lita: they are upstairs playing I will go get them

Jeff: ok


Lita: girls food is ready

Angel: ok auntie Lita

Charity: ok mommy

Lita: alright girls go wash your hands so we can eat

Both girls: ok

Lita: I told them dinner is done and told them to wash there hands

Trish: ok thank Lita

Lita: your welcome

Dinner Time
Trish: so how is everything

Angel: it's great mommy

Charity: yeah

Trish: that's great girls I am glad that you both like it

Jeff: I am in love with it

Matt: me to

Lita: of course you boys love it

Matt: yes we do

Trish mom: it's wonderful Trish

Trish dad: yes Trish you did a wonderful job

Trish: thanks mom and dad

Jeff: so today was fun

Trish: yes it was so Lita was wondering if you and I would like to go on a double date with her and Matt

Jeff: that sounds great

Trish: and we will be staying somewhere for about a week

Jeff: where are we going

Trish: I don't know yet but Lita and I will figure that out

Jeff: who will watch Angel and Charity while we are gone

Trish: I already talked with my parents about it and they said that they would live to watch the girls for us while we are all gone for the week

Jeff: ok that sounds like fun

Trish: great night love you

Jeff: love you to

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