Chapter 5

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Lita: so when do you and Jeff go back to the WWF

Matt: in a couple of weeks why

Lita: I was just wondering

Matt: are you and Charity going to be ok here while I am gone

Lita: yeah but I am going to have Trish and Angel to come over and have a girl's day

Matt: that sounds like a great idea

Lita: yeah I cannot wait

Matt: is there anything else you guys going to be doing

Lita: go to the park,shopping,story time,reading and I don't know what else

Matt: I wish I can be here to spend time with you girls

Lita: yeah me to

Matt: maybe when Jeff and I get back we all can go to mom and dad house to have a BBQ

Lita: I would love that

Matt: good now let's get some sleep so I can get ready in the morning

Lita: alright night

Matt: night

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