Chapter 2

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Waitress- can I get you anything miss

Trish- I will have a salad and to drink a Coke please

Waitress- coming right up

Jake- hi Trish

Trish- hi Jake how have you been

Jake- good you

Trish- good

Jake- do you still work for the WWF

Trish- yeah I have become the women champion about three times now

Jake- that's great I have heard that you are married and have a daughter

Trish- yeah

Jake- congratulations

Trish- thank you what about you are you married or got any kids

Jake- no after we broke up I didn't really dated any

Trish- oh I'm sorry

Jake- it's fine

Waitress- here is your guys foods and drinks

Jake- I'm sorry that I hurt you while we where dating

Trish- you didn't just hurt me you psychically emotional and abuse Mee you thought that I was cheating on you because I was talking to guys

Jake- well yeah you where and you know how I felt about that

Trish- they where my cousins but you didn't care at all

Jake- I am sorry for what you went through

Trish- sorry doesn't cut it what you have done to me I had to go to counseling sessions because I couldn't get myself to talk about it with my friends or family because I was to scared and it would make me emotional

Jake- (sits there in shock)

Angel- daddy when is mommy coming home

Jeff- later

Angel- like at night time

Jeff- yeah

Angel- oh I am going to my room to play let me know when mommy is home

Jeff- I will Angel

(Trish comes home)

Trish- hey guys I'm home and I brought dinner

Jeff- is there anymore bags

Trish- yeah they are in the trunk

Jeff- I will go get them

Trish- thanks

Jeff- your welcome

Angel- what are you making for dinner tonight mommy

Trish- I was thinking about mash potatoes,steak and a salad and for dessert ice cream

Angel- it sounds good mommy but what kind of ice cream did you get

Trish- your favorite chocolate chip

Angel- I can't wait to eat the ice cream

Trish- me to

(After Dinner)
Jeff- come on Angel it's bedtime and go brush your teeth

Angel- ok daddy

Jeff- dinner was delicious

Trish- thank you

Jeff- your welcxome

Angel- daddy I am ready for bed

Jeff- alright give your mom hugs and kisses

Angel- night mommy I love you (hugs and kisses her)

Trish- goodnight baby sleep tight

(Angel bedroom)
Jeff- goodnight Angel

Angel- night daddy

Jeff- I love you sleep tight

Angel- I love you to daddy

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