Chapter 11

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Matt: so have you talked to Trish yet

Jeff: no not yet have you talked to Lita

Matt: no

Jeff: oh so I was thinking that after our match tonight we can FaceTime the girls and we can talk to the kids

Matt: sure that would be great

Jeff: ok so do you know who we are fighting against

Matt: I think It's Dean Malkeno and Triple H

Jeff: awesome hopefully we will win tonight

Matt: yeah me to I can't wait so when we are done with our match tonight we can go out to eat and come back to the hotel showered and we can FaceTime the girls

Jeff: yeah sure where do you want to eat at

Matt: how about Taco Bell

Jeff: sure

After Match

Jeff: so do you want to call them or me

Matt: you can if you want

Jeff: ok

Face timing
Jeff- J
Matt- M
Lita- L
Trish- T
Angel- A
Charlity- C

Trish : hi honey

Jeff: hi how are you

Trish: good what about you guys

Jeff: we've been fine did you see our match

Trish: no because I was dealing with Angel but I did recorded it so Lita and I can watch it later while the girls are asleep

Jeff: oh ok that's fine so how have Angel been doing

Trish: she's good she's been getting into trouble with me

Jeff: like what has she been doing

Trish: like she's been having an attitude and smarting off and stuff like that

Jeff: I want to talk to her

Trish: ok Angel your daddy wants to talk to you

Angel: hi daddy

Jeff: hi baby so mommy been telling me that you've been being bad is that true

Angel: yes daddy

Jeff: why have you been bad

Angel: I don't know

Jeff: Angel you have to be good for mommy when daddy isn't home ok

Angel: ok daddy

Jeff: ok so I don't want you being bad for mommy ok I want you to be good and listen to mommy when she tells you what to do do you understand me

Angel: yes daddy I will

Jeff: good now be good for mommy

Angel: ok

Jeff: ok bye baby I love you

Angel: love you to daddy

Matt: so how has Charity been

Lita: she's been really good

Matt: that's great to hear

Lita: yeah

Matt: so what are you guys doing right now

Lita: nothing really it's been raining off and on all day here

Matt: same here

Lita: where are you guys at

Matt: in Miami, Florida

Lita: WOW that's amazing I wish I was there in Florida with you

Matt: yeah me to

Lita: where are you guys going next

Matt: we don't know yet hey let me talk to Charity for a little bit

Lita: ok Charity your daddy want to talk to you

Charity: hi daddy

Matt: hi honey have you been good for mommy while daddy is at work

Charity: yeah I've been great

Matt: that's good so daddy is going to go and be good for mommy ok

Charity: ok daddy I love you

Matt: love you to baby

End of Face Time

Author's Note
What do you guys want to see next in my book

Comment below for ideas

Thanks Alisha

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