Chapter 6

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Lita: are you all packed and ready to go

Matt: yeah

Lita: do you have everything that you need on the trip and for work

Matt: yeah but I am going to double check

Lita: ok I am going to get Charity ready

Matt: ok


Lita: are you ready sweetheart we got to get your dad to the airport so he doesn't miss his flight

Charity: I don't want Daddy to go I'm going to miss him when he's not here

Lita: I know you will Charity but you and I and aunt Trish and your cousin Angel are going to have a girl's day while the men are away does that sound like fun

Charity: yeah but what will be doing

Lita: getting our nails done going out to eat and having sleepovers

Charity: I cannot wait to do all that fun stuff

Lita: me to hey come on your going to miss your flight

Matt: I'm coming

Lita: did you call Jeff and letting him know that your heading to the airport

Matt: yeah I called him while you was down here

Lita: ok let's go and get on the road

At The Airport

Lita: I will see you soon be careful and look out for one another

Matt: we will you girls have fun

Lita: we will and don't cause to much trouble

Matt: we won't well I won't but I do know that Jeff will

Lita: yeah I know

Flight Number 385
Is now boarding

Matt: alright I have to go

Lita: ok I love you (kisses him)

Matt: I love you to (kisses her) and you Charity you be good for your mommy ok

Charity: ok daddy I love you (kisses his check)

Matt: I love you to Charity (kisses her check)

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