Chapter 22

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Trish: I am going downstairs to make breakfast

Jeff: ok do you want me to wake up Angel

Trish: what time is it

Jeff: it's 7:30am

Trish: no let her sleep in until right or nine

Jeff: ok


Trish mom: what are you making Trish

Trish: I am making breakfast

Trish dad: like what

Trish: um eggs, pancakes,toasts, biscuits, sausages

Trish dad: that sounds amazing

Trish mom: yes it does do you want any help

Trish: yeah sure

Angel: morning everyone

Trish: morning baby girl did you sleep good

Angel: yeah

Trish: that's good

Angel: mommy can I go watch cartoons

Trish: yeah for a little bit I breakfast is almost done

Angel: ok mommy

Trish mom: she is getting so big

Trish: yes she is

Trish dad: when does she goes to school

Trish: she will be starting on August 11

Trish dad: wow I cannot believe that she will be starting school

Trish: yeah me to

Trish mom: I cannot believe when you told us that you was pregnant with her and then you know it you have birth to her

Trish: yeah me to

Jeff: hi guys

Trish mom: hi Jeff

Trish dad: hey Jeff

Jeff: is Angel up

Trish: yeah why

Jeff: I got off the phone with Matt and him and Lita are taking Charity to the park and Matt wanted Angel to go

Trish: Jeff no my parents are in town

Jeff: she will be gone for a couple of hours and besides she wants to hang out with Charity

Trish: did you tell her already

Jeff: no not yet but I was going to after I told you and when you agree to it to let her go

Trish: no Jeff she cannot go

Trish mom: Trish honey it's ok she can go we are staying for a little while longer and it will be nice to get out of the house to play with her cousin

Trish: are you sure mom

Trish mom: yes Trish I am sure

Trish: ok she can go on one condition

Jeff: what is that

Trish: no junk food and I want my child look after all the time

Jeff: deal I promise of you

Trish: ok you better Jeff

Jeff and Matt phone call (J,M)

Matt: so is Angel going

Jeff: yes but there is this one thing

Matt: what is it

Jeff: Trish doesn't want Angel eating junk food and make sure she is kept safe and not wondering off

Matt: Jeff I am not going to lose your child I will keep my eye out for Angel and I won't lose her ok

Jeff: ok I trust you bye Matt

Matt: bye Jeff

End of phone call

Jeff: hey kiddo what are you doing

Angel: playing

Jeff: did you clean your room

Angel: yes daddy I did

Jeff: that great guest what

Angel: what

Jeff: do you want to go to the park with your aunt and uncle and your cousin

Angel: yes but what about Mamaw and Papaw what did they say

Jeff: they said that they were fine with it about you going and Mamaw said they are going to stay for a little bit longer

Angel: cool but what about mommy what did she say

Jeff: she said no junk food and you to be watched by your aunt and uncle

Angel: ok what time am I going

Jeff: here in a little bit

Angel: ok I am going to go change into my play outfit and shoes

Jeff: ok but do you need or want any help

Angel: no I'm good

Jeff: ok I will be downstairs when your ready

Angel: ok


Trish: is Angel getting ready

Jeff: yeah I told her to come down when she is ready

Angel: daddy I am ready to go

Jeff: ok uncle Matt is outside waiting for you be good

Angel: I will daddy

Trish: do not wonder off and do not talk to any strangers and play with your cousin and behave

Angel: I will mommy

Jeff: so what are me you and your parents going to do while Angel is out of the house

Trish: my mom and I are going to go grocery shopping for dinner and go shopping after we are done

Jeff: awesome so your dad and I are going fishing

Trish: where over by the pond

Jeff: yes

Trish: ok have fun

Trish: did you have fun at the park with your cousin

Angel: yes mommy I had the best of time we played tag and hide and seek

Trish: that sounds amazing ok so sleep tight and I will see you in the morning

Angel: ok mommy love you

Trish: love you to baby

Jeff and Trish bedroom

Jeff: so did Angel have a great time at the park with Charity

Trish: yeah she said that they played tag and hide and go seek

Jeff: that's great I am glad that she got out of the house for a little while and have fun with her cousin

Trish: yeah me to so let's go to bed

Jeff: ok night love you

Trish: night love you to

Author's Note:
What do you guys want to see in the next chapter

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