Character 14

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Angel: I wish our father's were home

Charity: me to I miss them so much

Angel: me to

Charity: what do you want to do

Angel: I don't know

Charity: how about we go outside and play hide and seek

Angel: ok

Trish: girls where are you both going

Angel: going outside to play hide and seek

Charity: yeah

Trish: ok don't go in the woods

Angel and Charity: we won't

Trish: ok good now go have some fun

Angel and Charity: ok

Angel: do you want me to count or hide

Charity: how about you count and I hide

Angel: ok one two three

Charity: I am ready

Angel: ready not here I come

Charity: she will never find me

Angel: I wonder where she can be

Charity: I hope she doesn't find me

Angel: I found you

Charity: ok now it's my time to count and you hide

Angel: ok

Charity: one two three

Angel: I am ready

Charity: ready or not here I come

Angel: hopefully she doesn't find me I am a really good hider

Charity: I wonder where she can be at

Angel (still waiting)

Charity: I found you

Angel: I am board

Trish: girls dinner is ready

Angel and Charity: coming


Trish: did you both have fun playing outside today

Angel: yeah

Charity: yeah

Lita: what did you guys do outside

Charity: we played hide and go seek

Lita: that sounds like fun

Charity: it was

Angel: and I was a really good hider

Charity: yeah it took me forever to find you

Angel: it was fun

Trish: where did you hide at anyways

Angel: in a tree

Trish: oh

Angel: yeah


Angel: night mommy love you

Trish: goodnight Angel love you to

Charity: night mommy love you

Lita: goodnight Charity love you to

Trish: I am so warn out

Lita: me to we cleaned all day and I am so exhausted

Trish: I am right there with you sister

Lita: well I don't know about you but I am going to shower and go to bed

Trish: ok night

Lita: night

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