Chapter 1

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Trish: are you doing anything today

Jeff: I don't know why

Trish: because I was wondering if you could watch Angel for me because I have to meet with someone

Jeff: who is this someone that you will be meeting

Trish: my ex boyfriend before you

Jeff: why didn't you tell me about him while we where dating

Trish: because he hurt me while him and I where dating

Jeff: so you are telling me that you are going to have lunch with your ex boyfriend who abused you while you guys was dating!!!

Trish: Jeff would you please calm down please you will wake up Angel

Jeff: sorry

Trish: I promisethatI will charge my phone and call you if anything happens okay

Jeff: okay

Trish: I have to go I love you (kisses his lips)

Jeff: okay if he hurts you I will hurt him

Trish: deal but don't put him in the hospital please

Jeff: alright fine

Trish: I love you (kisses him)

Jeff: I love you to (kisses her)

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