I won't let anyone hurt you (pt1)

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Italics=inner thoughts
*Italics with Asterix*=actions
Under line=time skip

The screen is dark, no sound is heard except for two unknown voices in the darkness.

???: Are these the prototypes?

???: Yes they are

???: They look weak, like twigs

???: Trust me, they will be the end to those pathetic ship girls, and they will give us this new world

???: Really? Hahaha! I can't wait to see these prototypes in action! I bet they will make those ships wet themselves! AHAHHAHAH!!

One of the voices started to laugh sadistically.

???: They will do so much more then make them wet themselves, they will be the ones to bring the apocalypse and they will send those ships back to where the belong, the bottom of the sea to rust away.

???: I can't wait! HAHAHAHA!

The voices fade away into the darkness.


Rokai opens his eyes and piers into the dark that surrounds his room, he can hear the others breathing as they are soundly asleep, he sighs and slow gets up as not to make his bed creak. Rokai puts on a black v-neck shirt and white joggers along with Unus Annus socks, he looks over to the clock. "4:35 am huh?" Rokai thought to himself, he puts pillows where his body would be on his bed and left a note on said pillows, he puts the blanket over the pillows and walks towards the bed room door, he opens it enters a hallway and closes it.

Rokai: Might as well start my day.

Rokai walks towards the kitchen and makes himself a green tea with a spoonful of honey added to it, with mug in hand he sat down at the table and thought to himself.

Rokai: It's only been two weeks since we got here and we already had a run in with those Sirens......I wonder what will happen in the time to come

Rokai sighs and takes a drink of his tea and swings one arm behind the chair.

Rokai: I should go for a walk......yeah

Rokai finishes his tea and puts on his shoes, he left his jacket on the couch last night so he picked it up and put it on, he grabs the keys and opens the front door he takes a breath in and out, he exits and closes the door behind him locking it as well. He heads for the docks to check out the other ships that are harbored there.


As Rokai was walking he noticed a figure on what looked to be an aircraft carrier to be standing up and looking over the ocean, as if watching it's every move searching for something. Rokai gets curious and walks towards the ship, as he gets closer he can see it's stern plate.


Rokai: Enterprise? Why she is up this early?

Rokai decided to go talk to her since he had nothing else better to do. He wonders how he would get on the ship without making any loud noises, as he was walking along the dock he see's a gangplank and smiles, Rokai walks towards it and enters the ship, upon entering he was met with three different ways to go, a path to his left and to his right along with a path straight ahead.

Rokai: Which way now.......just follow the signs, of course

Rokai following the signs can hear the sounds of ship creaking as it lightly sways in dock, he soon reaches the main hanger deck and looks around.

Rokai: I got this far but how do I get up to the deck? Carriers have elevators to raise the planes up to launch right? I'll just use those.

He walks over to where the night light was shining through the deck and steps into the light and stands on the elevator platform. He looks up and engages his rigging, he ready's a jump and leaps onto the main deck. Rokai disengaged his rigging, looking around he spots Enterprise still looking over the ocean, as Rokai got closer he could see her iconic dress wear, She has long white hair that is worn down and wears a white captain's hat. Her eyes are a light violet. She wears a white sleeveless shirt with black and gold trimming, a black tie, and a belt around her high waist. She wears a short black skirt with gold trimmings and knee-high tights with boots. She wears a long black jacket with gold trimmings, a red interior, and a logo that says "ENT" 6.

Rokai: USS Enterprise CVN-6, fought in a total of 20 battles and survived each one of them.

Enterprise was broken from her gaze and turned around to see Rokai approaching her while talking about her past history.

Rokai: Gray Ghost, Lucky E, The Big E and The Galloping Ghost, those are the nicknames that both ally and enemy gave her. She is responsible of sinking a total of 71 ships along with more damaged or destroyed, downing 911 planes with her guns and with her own planes.

Enterprise didn't make eye contact with him as he got closer, it was clear to him that she was crying due to the fact that he could see the dried stream of tears.

Rokai: Receiving a total of 20 battle stars, Presidential Unit Citation and the Navy Unit Citation, she is the most decorated ship of WW2.

He gets face to face with her and puts his fingers under her chin and raises her head so that he could see her eyes. The light violet eyes of the Eagle Unions most skillful carrier met with Rokai's lightly shining yellow eyes. Her eyes showed deep pain within them.

Rokai: A ship of such high caliber shouldn't be crying, so why is a this Ghost shedding tears?

Enterprise: Why do you care?

Rokai: Your afraid of the ocean aren't you?

Enterprise: ?!

She was shocked, she knew that she wasn't afraid of the ocean.....or was she? Whenever she will go out to sortie or even for a patrol mission she would always have an unsettling feeling, as if she didn't want to be there. The carriers eyes widened, she released what he was saying was right, she was afraid of ocean and anything that had to do with it.

Enterprise: I-

Rokai: Shhhhhh.....don't speak, your eyes speak for you. I know those eyes all to well.

The two of them don't make a noise for what seemed like an eternity as the both of them stared into each other's eyes, the sounds that the ocean made sounded like a song, a song that could calm any restless soul.

Rokai: It's to early for someone as beautiful as you to be up and about, it'll give your face wrinkles.

Enterprise: *blushing* T-thank you...I guess your right, Yorktown says the same thing

Rokai: Very well then, I'll be seeing you.

As Rokai begins to walk away Enterprise calls out him, Rokai turns around with his eyes still glowing a yellow.

Enterprise: Who are you?

Rokai: I am Rokai, Rokai Kygo.

Enterprise: I don't mean your name, I mean who you are inside. I've heard the storys that you and the others say, the storys say one thing but all of your actions today say another. So who are you?

Rokai:........If....If I answered with "I have no clue" would that suffice as an answer to your question?

Enterprise: No, no it won't.

Rokai: I see, well then I can't give you answer right now because I have no idea on who I am.

Rokai continues to walk away, Enterprise sees him jump down the first elevator and disappear.

Enterprise: Those eyes of his....they glow the same as the Sirens. Are you an enemy or an ally Rokai Kygo......

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