1k Special

65 4 0

Italics=inner thoughts
*Italics with Asterix*=actions
Under line=time skip

Hello this is your author here I just want to say thank you for 1K reads, I can't say this enough I really do mean it thank you all so much. I know this has been a long time coming because I hit 1000 reads long ago, I've been dealing with things like school and SATs but now I'm back and this is my gift to all those who have stuck around. I hope I can continue the story from where I left it off. ( This story takes place while our three heros we're still being used as weapons of war this is just one of the many battles that they fought)


It was a clear sunny day, one could hear the branches on the trees dance as they sway with the wind, one could hear the song that the birds were singing it was a magnificent song, one could hear the sounds of the world if they stay still, if they stayed quiet, and if they listened....One could hear the heartbeat of the earth beneath them.

Orion: I never thought we'd be back here.

Rokai, Haru and Orion are walking down a dirt road, oak trees are on either side of the road, it had been 11 years since they had walked down it, the last time they did was when they were on a rescue hostage mission, that time the peaceful forest was full of gun fire and the smell of the dead.

Haru: I don't think anyone of us thought that we would be back here after that day.

Orion: The serenity of it is almost...strange.

The group come across a old abandoned village that they had fought in for the rescue mission, they stop and look at village before entering it's grounds one last time...

Flash back

In the village, was currently a section of 11 men. Each of them had bolt action rifles, except 3 men. These 3 men were carrying parts of a machine gun, which seemed like something out of World war 1, except it seemed the rear working parts were exposed. These 3 men operated the machine gun. Each man also had some light steel armour, and swords behind them. They also light green suits beneath there lightly armoured bodies. They even had leather helmets on. Currently, they were guarding over the village for scavengers and such.

Rokai, Haru and Orion were watching them from the forest 200 feet away from the main gate, each holding on to a red smoke grenade "Orion, head up to the main gate and keep them busy, you know what to if it goes south, me and Haru will circle around and take out the opposition there, meet up in the center with the hostage when the enemy is wiped out" Rokai said, Orion nood's before brushing off a dusty logo on his vest. It was their logo, except it was torn, and damaged. It's obviously seen better days.

The plan was in motion, Orion starts to walk up to the gate and the other two start to move to the back through the woods, he was wearing their uniform as a way to trick the enemy, but he would soon find out that the plan didn't go as it was supposed to, he didn't hide his rigging very well. The section detected a presence, as they moved out to intercept. Upon visual contact they realized who he was exactly, they got to work setting the machine gun up, as he was soon hit by accurate and precise rifle fire.

Orion got into some cover by using his main turrets as shields. "I see you have no intention of talking this over a bowl of ice cream, you sorry assholes!" he yelled, before blinding firing with the secondary guns, making it rain cannon shells on him... but he didn't care. he cared to see the men cry in pain.

There a a sudden explosion at the other side of base, this caused the men who were shooting at Orion to turn around, Orion saw this and took the chance he was given, he pushed forward, he fired two of his 14 in guns killing the guards right in front of him along with the main gate, Orion now ran into the base using his 5 main turrets as a battering ram, the first thing he saw was a huge warehouse in the distance in flame.

Orion: Ok now that! That was not in the plan what so ever!

A group of men were running at Orion with blades drawn and guns firing, before the men could reach him Orion fired his secondary guns with AP ripping into them proving their armor to be useless. From the sky came down mortar rounds, Orion did his best to dodge the rounds but a few hit home, knocking out 4 of his 16 4 in secondary guns. Orion raced to the warehouse all the while firing his secondarys armed with HE at people firing at him. Aiming one of his main guns behind him he jumped and fired, it sent him flying towards the burning building. He smashed through the side the building using his main guns as a shield, Landing on the floor he looked around, dead bodies were on the floor of all ages, some missing legs, and some missing their top half. He spotted Rokai and Haru holding up debris that fell from the roof with their rigs, under them were a group of children, they wore rags as clothing. Rokai called for help as soon as Orion hit the floor.

Rokai: Some help would be nice!

Orion:...Oh shit right, sorry sorry.

He quickly ran over and used his rigging to remove the debris from the top of them.

Haru: I swear he will be the death of me...

Orion: I got here as soon as I could. I thought this was a stealth mission!

Rokai: It was, but when me and Haru punched through the sidewalls it was like they were waiting for us. That and with you being discovered at the front gate of course.

Before Orion could respond the building was bombarded with heavy artillery. Rokai was right they were waiting for them, this was no normal rescue mission, now this is survival. Before the falling debris from the building it the group Haru punched a hole in the wall using his main guns and grabbed the four children and ran out there as fast as he could, the other two would follow suit. Of course it would make a logic sense that they should just cannon jump away, but these children are weak there is no way they would be able to withstand the force of a cannon jump. That's only left the three with one real choice - Run.

And run they did, how to ran with the children while Orion and rokai laid down covering fire in order to cover their retreat. At the end of the mission they were all badly damaged during the retreat Orion lost turret B due to jamming, along with taking damage to his superstructure. Haru had also suffered damage to his superstructure, he had taken three direct hits to turret A from 120 mm anti-tank guns. Rokai's aft caught on fire from constant HE shells hitting his back as he ran, he took a direct hit to the head causing him to fall to the ground making Orion having to carry him till he regained conscience.

The mission in the end was a success, that village was experimenting on children using drugs and chemicals to enhance them into super soldiers, those children reminded the three of themselves and everything they've been though. After the events took place the children were brought back to base and given proper treatment, while the three ships were sent to dry dock to have them repaired. Sadly shortly after the children went berserk, turns out their bodies needed special maintenance to keep their brains in check and because of that they ended up killing two doctors three nurses and six guards. The children's age ranged from 10 to 14, Rokai was the one who dealt the final blow....


Orion: Why does it never go as planned.

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