All of it

97 7 17

Italics=inner thoughts
*Italics with Asterix*=actions
Under line=time skip

Doc's POV

Doc was awoken from his slumber when he heard the front door open and close with a "thud"

Doc:Hm......what time is it? *Looks at the clock* oh, 8:50......*groan* might as well get up but.....why is my bed so damn comfortable!

After struggling to get up for a solid 10 minutes he gets up and heads to the bathroom to take a morning shower as well as brush his teeth. After his shower he put on some clothes and heads to the kitchen

Doc:*yawn* I'm still, where is everyone? Haru, Orion and Rokai are gone....I mean this is normal for Rokai but for the the other two? I swear if they are doing stupid stuff I will ring their necks!

Doc decided to do some cleaning as he did, he began to remember what times were like ten years ago. It took he around 1hour and 20 minutes, after he was done he decided to sit down and have a cup of coffee, that was when Orion came back to the dorm. Doc looked at him and smiled.



Doc:where we're you? And where's Haru? *Takes sip of coffee

Orion:Haru's on his way to the U.S, I saw him off

Doc:that's nic-WHAT?! *Spits out coffee*

Orion:I'll get a towel

Doc: please do

Orion:*hands him a towel* yeah Haru's heading to the U.S

Doc:do you remember how big the crater was when me you and Rokai did a charged Cannon jump? it was huge,big enough that when there was a tsunami, it. got. stuck. in. the. HOLE, of course it wasn't a huge one but still!

Orion:That's what I told him!

Doc:*sigh* how is he getting back?

Orion:he never said

Doc:of course he didn't

Orion:anyways wanna go get something to eat?

Doc:hmmmm, sure

Orion:alright lets go, I'm driv-


Orion:what! Why?

Doc:because instead of putting the car in drive you put it in reverse and you hit a wall

Orion:we just got back from a hit-and-run mission and I was tired

Doc:no excuses

Orion:and that was one time!

Doc:and I said no excuses!

Orion:fine let's go

The two head out of the dorm and head to the car which was a 1968 Chevy Impala four door

The two of them drive away, they decided to stop by ramen shop, but soon they realize that they don't understand Japanese they can only speak it,only Rokai and Haru can understand it

Orion:well what do we do now?

Doc:do not worry for I am here! *Pulls out translater* put this in your ear and you can tell what their saying

Orion:your a life saver Doc

Doc:I know

The two leave the car and enter the ramen shop, it was a well sized shop, its name was ichiraku ramen. When they entered the shop they were greated and seated

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