Dinner ....

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Jazzy comes to my house ...
" okay girl it's time to get ready!" She says holding a makeup box and other things ...,
" girl the dinner is in 4 hours! " I say ... who gets ready this early? I feel like a white dad at the airport ..... get it? No .. okay....
" I know I'm late! We need to get ready!" She says pulling me toward my vanity... she started to talk to me about Anthony ... god were they in love ....
" okay finished!" She says handing me a mirror ... I was so beautiful....
" time for the dress and hair!" She says dragging me to the closet .... she pulls out the dress and helps me in it ! She then does my hair and then she finishes up herself !
" okay let's head to dinner we can't be late!" She says and I drive to the restaurant! When we get there we see some people sitting at the table already .... I see daveed! And Rafa ... What is he doing here .....
" oh hey Rafa .... " I say rolling my eyes .... jazzy holds my hand .... the rest of the people get here Rafa starts to talk about Something about daveed and me

Flash back 5 th grade

" well we have two different answers!" Daveed said holding up the papers ...
" I'm correct! I tripled checked!!!" I say holding up my work! I know I'm correct!
" no KitKat I'm correct! I'm smarter than you anyways!" Daveed says holding his paper infront of my face ....
" no your not!"  I said
" yes I am!" Daveed said
" no!"
" Rafa what do you think?" Daveed says ... we both stare at him ...
" I think daveeds correct!" He says nudging daveed ...
" okay then let's ask the teacher ..." I say raising my hand ...
" miss! Who is correct!" Me and daveed both showing her our work ! She examines it for a few then she makes a conclusion....
" Y/N's correct!" She said high giving me ....
" see I told you!" I say sticking my tongue out at daveed and Rafa .... they both huff and cross there arms ... haha! I'm correct! Like always!

End of flashback ...

" cause you always side with Daveed ..." I say rolling my eyes ... I am referring to the call he made when daveed broke up with me.... and he said that he will always side with daveed .....
" hah yea...." Rafa says awkwardly.....
Everytime daveed makes a joke I laugh a little too hard .... and jazzy notices ...
" I have to use the bathroom ... Y/N would you like to come?" She says nudging me ...
" no I'm-" she cuts me off
" perfect let's go!" She says dragging me to the bathroom ..
" girl what are you doing?" She says looking at me ..
" having dinner?" I say confused ...
" girl the thing with Rafa and then laughing too hard at daveeds jokes?" She says ....
" you know what Rafa did! How could he act like nothing happened!"
" I didn't know he was gonna be here ! But if I did I wouldn't have invited you okay? You need to act like the bigger person! Also be yourself! Don't try to put yourself out there! If daveed loves you he will love you for how you are!" She says ... it was nice to have s little pep talk
" okay now let's go back or the people with get suspicious... come on let's enjoy the rest of the dinner!" She says smiling and giving me the puppy dog eyes .... she opening the bathroom door and we head back to the table ...
" sorry we took so long I had to retouch up my make up !" Jazzy says sitting back down and tapping my seat ,...
" aww babe you know your still pretty with out make up!" Anthony says kissing her ... ugh ... love birds ....
" okay I have a toast!" Lin said hitting a knife against his wine glass ..
" I have big news!" He said .... then waits for a few for dramatic effect ...
" come on tell us!" I say ...
" fine! Fine! We're gonna start Hamilton back up!!" He says with a big smile ! Everybody claps and agrees to come back! Even I did .... I think it would be good for my mental health ... you know get my mind off daveed and drinking .... for the rest of the night im my normal self I don't even mind Rafa being here ... which makes him mad ... he wants a reaction from me .... but I'm not gonna give one to him ... I end up getting a little tipsy and I waddle back and me and jazzy pass out in my bed and Anthony passes out on the couch ... I still don't fully forgive Anthony for what he did but I've moved on .... but I'll still never forgive him ... the next morning I wake up to hearing some kisses and moans ... oh god... not this... please god not this ... ... I walk out and see Anthony on top jazzy... grinding on her ( they were still clothed btw) and kissing on the couch .....
" get a room!" I say laughing and throwing something at them, they both look up and hurry out my apartment... I laugh and make some oatmeal and eat it infront of the TV while watching Netflix ... then we hear a knock on my door .. I put down my oatmeal and walk over to the door ... I check out the peep hole and just see floofy hair ....
" hey daveed!" I say letting him in ...
" hey Y/N! I have a question !" He says going and sitting in the couch ... is gonna ask if I wanna be his girlfriend? Yay!
" okay what is it?" I say sitting down next to him and moving my oatmeal ...
" what's up with you and Rafa?" He says ... oh ... is I guess he wasn't gonna ask me to be his girlfriend .... bummer ....
" he didn't tell you? Wow ... so he just and me look bad... I'm sure I have the call somewhere ..." I say searching through my calls and looking for his ....
" call?" Daveed said confused ...
" oh here it is!" I click on it and it starts to play
Bold- Rafa
Normal- Y/N
" I have a question...."
" do you know anything about daveed breaking up with me ? It was so sudden..."
" I don't know anything ... and if I did I wouldn't tell you .. daveed is my best friend ... I would lie for him ... I would do anything ... now stop calling ... I'm on daveeds side ..."
Call ended ....

"WHAT!" He says getting up and throwing his hands in the air ... I flinch and he sits back down
" sorry ..." he says ...
" it's okay ... I just can't believe he never told you ..." I say .... I'm so upset .... this whole time Rafa has been making me look bad .... he doesn't know the storm that is coming to him ...
" I need to talk to him .., this is not right ..." he says getting up and cracking his nuckles ...
" daveed calm down!" I say getting up and grabbing his arm ...
" no Y/N! I'm not gonna calm down! He should not be talking to you like that! Or anybody! He knows better! I'm not going to let him talk to you like that!"  he says pulling his arm away ... I was shocked
" why? Daveed why? Why do you care? I've been yelled at my whole life it doesn't matter!" I say ....
" Y/N can't you see! I love you! You have been yelled at your whole life ! I'm not gonna let him treat you like that! Even if it was in the past it doesn't matter!" Daveed says walking out .... he said it ... he loves me....

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