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Like I said before I made new friends ! And today we are planning on having a pinic .. we already make a group chat so I text everybody what time and where we will be meeting up! We all bring food and we talk and play a few games ! It was amazing ! We get each other soo much! It's like we've known each other for years ! Soon jazzy joins my designer class and Leslie is in my art class! Most of the boys play foot ball expect for Lin ! He helps make music for the school ! Me and daveed stay together ! We love each other so much ! My parents still aren't getting much better ... but they have been talking about getting a divorce but they always stopping because "it's bad for the business."... my parents don't even talk to me anymore ... and I live with them ... I PTSD because of them ... people can't get be very loud or yell ... because I get flash backs from when I was little ... and they would yell and then hit me ... I try to hide those memories..
A/N I'll make a chapter of her young ! But for now here is a little clip of it!
POV young Y/N
I heard my parents come home and heard them start to yell ... I hid in my closet with my stuff animal and started to cry ... "mommy and daddy always fight ... I don't know why though .." I tell my stuffy .... the stuffy is a little llama and it's name is Mister Llama ... he is a great listener! And he is fluffy ...I hear daddy's foot steps and then my door open ...
" where are you little bitch ..." he says then I hear glass shatter ... it was my mom
" leave her alone! Shes only a little kid!" Then I hear a loud thump and screaming ... then my closet door opens .. and i get dragged out by my hair ... Then I pass out .. ( older Y/N here! I don't really pass out but I blocked out that part of the memorie ! So I don't have to remember it! ) when I wake up I'm
In pain ... I go to run the bath .. my parents must have left ... I go downstairs and grab a pack of chips and a juice box and go back upstairs .. and take a bath .. I try to calm down and listen to an audio book to try to take my mind off all the pain ... after the bath I wrap up my cuts and go lay down with mister llama ... and go to bed....

Back to present Y/N
All my friends understand why they can't be loud.. which is really sweet of them but I don't want them to pity me ... we hang out a lot and we all attend each others events! They even wear some of me and jazzy clothes !!! We attend Rafa and Lin's shows ! There really good with music ! And we always attend the boys football games ! And since we all needed and extra activity we all join theatre! Which is really fun! So far we've done Beateljuice ,mean girls , Six ! We all really love theatre ! And it's brought us together! Lin is working on this project... i think it's name is Ham- Hamilton? I don't know yet .. it's a big secret that he is keeping ! I think it's about a war? Or Alexander Hamilton? I don't know yet... but what ever it is I think it's gonna be great! He has sing a few songs ... and do a little bit of dance .. but he says it's not done yet ... but we all support him ! We all love hanging out together ! We spend every day together ! Me and daveed go on dates regularly until one day we stop ... every excuse " I'm tired .." " I'm not feeling it .." " we already did that" that lasted for a few weeks then he told me we needed to talk ...
" Y/N we need to talk .." it's werid that he didn't call me KitKat ... or some other name ...
" what is it fluffy?" I say back ...
" daveed .." he says ... I get shocked .. he never corrects me when I call him fluffy ..
" we done ... I'm breaking up with you .." he says .. his eyes are dull ... he voice doesn't shake ... he is firm ...
" W-What... B-B-But" I say but I get cut off
" I don't love you anymore .. I love someone else " he says ..
" wh.." I get cut of again ..
" what don't you understand ! I don't love you ! AT ALL!" He says that and walks away ... I fall down on my knees ... I start to cry .. how could he do this ! I thought we loved each other !! Who is this other person ! I'm so confused ... I hear someone ... it's oak ..
" WHAT HAPPRN Y/N!" He says running over towards me .. he bends down and hugs me ..
" Da—-veed ... B. roke up w—-ith me .." I say in tears ..
" HE- oh wait I should stop screaming .. * whispers * he did what!?" That makes me laugh ... he calls every body and tells them how daveed broke up with me .. there all mad .. Anthony and Leslie are going to talk to him and the girls are getting me a breakup basket of stuff .. when I get back to my house Renee, Pippa, and jazzy are all in my house already
" wait how did -" I get cut off
" don't ask! We got food!" Jazzy says holding up a chick fli a bag and the other girls are holding boxes .. I go sit down on the couch and Renee picks a movie and I open the boxes , there were two ..

 I go sit down on the couch and Renee picks a movie and I open the boxes , there were two

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It's so sweet of them to get me little gifts and notes ! We spend the rest of the night watching movies and eating

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It's so sweet of them to get me little gifts and notes ! We spend the rest of the night watching movies and eating ...
" and this is why you don't get with men !" Renee says ( in this book Renee is a lesbian and Pippa is Bisexual ) " AMEN!" Pippa says  high-fiving... me and jazzy laugh .. we end up all falling asleep in the couch and Renee tucks us all in, like the good mom friend she is !

A/N how dare you daveed! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 💕

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat