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After work I get a text from daveed ...

Daveed : hey would you like to go get a coffee? And catch up?
Y/N : sure .
Daveed : okay does tomorrow at 3 PM work?
Y/N : Yes.

I know I know there pretty dry text but I'm not gonna tell him that I still love him so quick ! When I get home I immediately just flop down on the couch .... I barely cook anymore .... so I order some grub hub... the rest of the next I spend drinking some wine and watching Netflix .., this is almost every night .... the next morning I wake up with a massive head ache.... today I didn't have to go to the office, I got  to from home! I finish up all my work and head to a coffee shop for some avacado toast and coffee .... I go home and get ready to go see daveed ..

Daveed ; I'm headed to the coffee shop
Y/N : see you there .

I walk to the coffee shop and see daveed sitting there with his coffee ...
" oh hey Y/N! " he says while pulling out a chair for me ...
" how have things been?" He says trying to start small talk ... it's awkward .. it's like we don't know each other ...
" good... how about you?" I say in response..,
" I've been good ..." then a moment of awkward silence passes ..
" how's everything with your parents?" He ask ... I rather not talk about them because it triggers me .. but he doesn't know that so I make the the story quick ...
" So they kept abusing  me and one day it got really bad ..."

Flashback ... this takes place after the two year trip they went on

I had just got home from leslies ... and I saw my parents sitting here ... with a belt ... a paddle ... and a knife .... I was so scared ...
" where were you? We never told you could leave this house! " my dad says while hitting the belt in his hand ....
" well I - Um..." I say trying to explain myself ....
" no excuses! " my mom said .... grabbing me by my head and throwing into the ground ... I scream in pain ...
" oh shut up!" My dad said while putting his boot on my chest ... I couldn't breath and he knew that .... they flip me over and hit me ....  they put a cloth in my mouth so nobody would hear my screams... they stripped me to only my bar and underwear..... it hurt even more then ... and if I tried to move or hurt them ... they would do it even harder .... then a knock is at the door ... quickly my dad puts the knife to my neck .... and hide me behind a wall .... but you could still see me ... it was Leslie ...
" hey Y/N you forgot- Y/N!" He says seeing me .... everything hurt and I was about to faint too ...
" what are you doing to her?" He said in a stern voice ....
" why do you care?! And if you dare to tell another person ! Your little friend will die!l my mom said pushing him ... my dad tightening the knife to my neck ... I started to feel the blood drip down my neck ....
" let her go! Or I'll call the police !!" He said holding up his phone and almost dialing the cops ....
"Fine! Let her go..." my mom said .. then I felt the knife leave my neck and I felt a push to the ground .... quickly Leslie ran over to me and picked me up .... and ran out the house to his car ...
" Y/N are you okay?" He asks ... wiping the blood off my neck ...
" yea I'm -" then I pass out ...

The rest of this story will be in A:N POV ...

Lelsie quickly dials 911
" 911 what's your emergency?"
" my friend! She's getting abused and her parents just put a knife to her throat! She's in the car will me now but it has been going on for years and she has been scared to tell anybody because of her parents ...." Leslie quickly explains ...
" is she in immediate danger right now?"
" no but she was a second ago !"
" I'm sorry but I can't help you then!"
" are you kidding me! My friend is getting abused!"
" I'm sorry call the non emergency number instead of this one goodbye !" And then they hang up ... how could they .... so quickly Leslie dials the non emergency number ...
" hello what do you need?" They say annoyed....
" my friend has been getting abused and her parents have just put a knife to her throat!" He explains again ....
" is she in danger now?"
" no but this is the non emergency number!!!" Oh how Leslie was mad!! How could they do this!
" sir I understand that. I'll make a court appointment... goodbye." Then they hang up .... they didn't even help ... Y/N could still be getting abused but they don't even care ...


On the court day ...

Leslie and Y/N sat in the court room and Y/N was panicking ...
" hey it's gonna be okay..." Leslie said holding Y/N's hand .. which helped calm her down ... her parents walk in ..,, and the court case begins ....
" and why are you guys here?" The judge asks
" Y/N L/N has been abused by her own parents for her whole life and when her friend called the police they failed to help !" The lawyer says ...
" and your response?" The judges says looking at the parents ...
" we have never mistreated our daughter! She is delusional! She has tried to kill her self many times ! How can you trust anything she says !" The other lawyer announced ....

A few hours later

"The defendants ( parents ) have been found not guilty!" The judge announces ... Y/N's heart drops .... how could that happen? The parents are clearly guilty! She has a scar mark on her neck and the knife with the finger prints!! How! This doesn't make sense.., the only thing that could have happen ... was ... they payed the judge to find the parents not guiltily... which they did ... Y/N stayed with Leslie for the rest of her life until she moved out ... just to make sure she's safe ... but Y/N would never forget that night ....

End of flashback ... Y/N POV

" Y/N I'm so sorry that happened to you ...." he says ... and I can't tell he means it ...
" no it's not your fault ... it's okay ..." I say ..

We talk a little more and I head back to my apartment ... I grab some whisky and drink some ..... I end up taking a bath and getting really drunk ... there's probably a few bottles around my house and the next morning Leslie knocks on my door ... I had drunk again that morning so I was still drunk ... I open it ..
" heeeeeeeeeeey Leslie ..." I say slurred .... and laughing ..
" hey Y/N -" then he sees all the alcohol bottles laying around ..
" Y/N!!!" He says dragging me to the couch ....
" ARE YOU AN ALCOHOLIC!" He says yelling at me .... he knows better to yell at me ..,, he knows I she's ptsd.... he does some more yelling despite the fact he can see the fear in my face and how I flinched with every word ... I start to break down and cry ... I fall to floor and curl up into a ball.... the yelling stops and I can tell he knows what he did ...
" Y/N I'm so-" he try's to say ...
" leave ..." I say pushing him away ....
" Y/N-" he try's to say again ...
" I SAID LEAVE!" I say pushing him away again ... I hear foot walks in the distance and then the door shut ... I start to cry and start to have a panic attack ... I tried to calm down but I can't ... I quickly call daveed .... but I can't even process any words but he knows what's happening...
" Y/N I'm coming over!" He says and I can hear him run out his door and then a car turns on ....

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Where stories live. Discover now