What really happened

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Okay this is the real reason why the whole group has been ignoring Y/N! This chapter is gonna be full of different peoples POV

Jessica POV

Okay I know you want to know why daveed broke up with Y/N! Well I'll tell you ! So you see.... I wanted daveed! I mean who wouldn't want him ! He's tall... and handsome... okay I'm getting off topic! But there was a problem ... he was with Y/N! I can't believe it! I know things at home aren't good for Y/N, so I decided to take that into my hands .... you know why her parents are home more? Because of me! They work for my dad! So I just freed up the schedule! I mean no harm ......and then I just had to get to daveed ! I started leaving notes in his locker that was supposed to look like Y/N wrote them ... and I might have photo shopped some pictures and put them in his locker ... What?! I had to do it! I needed daveed! And then the rest was all him ... he thought she was cheating and I wasent going to say she wasn't ! So then he broke up with her .... and I got with him ... how? Well easy! I was there when he needed comforting .... and I might have drugged him so it made him think I'm his girlfriend ! What! I did nothing wrong ! I just took fate into my own hands .... oh and how I made her friends to stop talking to her ! EASY! Wow this was so much easy than I thought .... I just faked some texts between me and her I'll show you!


Jessica 💋 : hey are you okay? You know after the break up ? ☹️
Y/N🌸💕yea I'm okay... I just need some them alone ...🤧😞
Jessica 💋 : are you sure? Do you want me to get you anything? 🤔
Y/N🌸💕 : yea I'm sure .... can you just tell everybody to keep their distance? 😞
Jessica 💋 : of course! Please if you need anything please tell me!


Jessica POV

Easy! I just showed it to all of them ! And they all understood! Amazing!

I walked up to them and showed them the texts
"I just wanted to let you know! We've been talking and it seems like she needs space !" I say...
" oh okay! I hope she feels better!" Anthony says ....
" tell her if she needs anything we're here for her!" Pippa adds in ...
" will do..." I say smirking ....then I walk away ... it's perfect .. they didn't suspect a thing ....

Jazzy POV

I see Jessica walking up to us ... which is weird because she has never talked to us ....
"I just wanted to let you know! We've been talking and it seems like she needs space !" Jessica says .... it was kinda shocking .... she has never needed space ....she always needed somebody with her .... when she's down ... but maybe it's just different now..... so we all do as Y/N said give her space ...

Anthony POV during the Pinic incident ...

I check my phone and i have a text message ... from Y/N! Yay!

Y/N : let's go have a pinic this weekend!
Read by jazzy, Anthony , oak, Leslie , Pippa, Renee ....1 day ago ....

We didnt respond because we wanted to be respectful.... she said she wanted have distance .... we thought that's what she wants .... then a few hours later I get another text ...

Y/N : well I showed up to this pinic by my self ... I expected you guys to come ... I thought we were close ... but I guess we have drifted ... a lot ... when I needed you guys the most you weren't there for me .... please don't try to contact me ... it might make things worse .... please don't come to my house ... again it's not going to make things better.... I guess this is goodbye...
Y/N has blocked Anthony, Jazzy, Renee, Pippa,Oak,Leslie...
Leslie : WAIT! ( get it? No .. okay ...)
Jazzy : I'm so sorry! Please wait Y/N
Anthony : I'm gonna say it ...( I don't care that you broke your elbo) she can't see these messages she blocked us! 👏👏☹️

I didn't know that's how she felt! And now we ruined it! But like she also wanted distance ..., so we're still gonna give her distance because we don't want to be so in her face .... and she said not to contact her ... but in my gut I knew something was wrong .... but I just couldn't tell what it was.....

Graduation day ....

Pippa POV

We still we're gonna go through with the plan we already had previously discussion and Y/N hasent  said anything about wanting to be in it... so we're still going to do it..... it's not gonna be the same without her here ..... she was the life of the party ..... but I hope she'll talk to us at the graduation so we can end up doing this whole plan together! We even got her gifts before you know everything happened!..... I don't know why she hasent talked to us..... every time I see her she looks to tired .... I wonder if she's okay... but I don't want to over step boundaries... you know ... just in case.. we all head to the field with all the chairs ....then I see them .... daveed and Jessica .... they were laughing ... matching... kissing .... i could only think about how Y/N felt... ...across the field I see Y/N and she see us  too...... the whole group ...we were laughing and having fun .... without .... her..... anthony turns and sees Y/N staring ... we start to whisper
" we should probably stop .... you know for Y/N..." Anthony says
" agreeded..." jazzy says ...... so we all stop talking and laughing and just sit down ... and then we see Y/N sit down too .... and a little after the ceremony starts .... after the ceremony we still go with our old plan and go to chick fli a ...but it feels like betrayal because U/N loved chick fli a and we were getting it without her ....at chick fli a we see Y/N and she sees us...We were all eating chick fli a and giving gifts to each other .... She over hear us say something ...
" it's like she's following us ... " Jazzy said .. I hit her arm because that was rude !
" don't we have gifts for her" Anthony said ... holding up a few bags that were for her...
" yea but you know ..." I say..... She got her order and practically ran out of chick fli a.... I felt so bad .... we couldn't even talk to her... and now she probably thinks we hate her ....

Yay! Okay I just wanted to fill you guys in so your not confused! Y/N doesn't know what Jessica did!

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Where stories live. Discover now