chapter 2

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Note : I don't own anything

Tony : I will start.

The battle against thanos was not going well, the army of the avengers was being overwhelmed slowly by the forces of thanos, the only good thing was that the infinity stones were not in thanos possesion.

Peter parker was swinging through the battlefueld killing aliens, for once thanking tony for the instant kill mode that helped him immensly, he had the infinity guantlet in his hand and was swinging dodging aliens and laser blasts from the enemy.

May(crying): oh peter


Fury: well stark I have to admit for someone so young he is doung quite well.

Sam: yeh, but he shouldn't have been there.

Natasha: still angry for the beating he gave you in the airport.

Sam only crossed his arms and looked away.

Peter was unable to dodge a blast comming from his sides which sent him flying to the ground.


Steve: that got to hurt

Fortunatly a glowing figure appeared infront of peter which revealed to be captain marvel.

Carol: hey peter parker you got something for me.

Fury walked to carol and put power canceling cuff on her which left her in shock

Fury: carol danvers you are under arrest for pedophilia and flirting with a minor I am sure the UN would like a word with you.

Carol: wait I didn't...

May: you pedophile, stay away from my boy.

Natasha: I have to admit that line was suggestive.

Hill: I didn't know captain marvel was into younger boys

Tony: getting a woman older than you, I am so proud.

Tony was then slapped by pepper on the head.


Wanda: we better keep a close eye on her.

Peter smiled and handed over the guantlet which  she flew away with, peter continued to fight until his attention got drawn to thanos who got the stones and sent tony flying, peter ran and tackled thanos but was thrown after a struggle .

Thanos: stupid bug I am invetiable

Thanos snapped his fingers only for nothing to happen,he looked around and saw peter with the stones

Peter: and I am spiderman

Peter snapped and thanos and his army turned to dust.

Tony ran to peter to check on him only to see him unmoving.

Tony: peter, you saved us ,come on you will be okay.

Pepper: tony...

Tony: why it was supposed to be me.

Peter(dying): I just wanted to be like you.

And with that peter parker left the world of the living.

Everyone had tears in their eyes

Tony: this is my fault.

Pepper: tony you didn't...

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