The morning after the night before (Chapter 4)

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I stretch and yawn as the sun starts making an appearance behind my curtains. I check my phone hoping that Jess had got back ok. There were some real jerks at the party and I was so stupid for leaving her behind. It was the first time I didn't see that she got back home ok. There wasn't any messages and I had a lurching feeling in my stomach. I left my best friend alone for whatever this was. A one night stand? A relationship? I had no idea what would come out of it. Hopefully regret wouldn't be one of them.

"Good morning."

I Turn to see Kayley grinning beside me.

"It is" I try to smile hiding the horrible feeling I was having for leaving Jess behind.

Kayley sits up beside me and studies my face.

"What?" I look at her curiously.

"Nothing. Just you are really beautiful you know."

I snort.

"What?" She replies.

"You? Miss popular, miss everyone loves me, miss the hottest girl in school, is telling me how beautiful I am? What universe have I fallen into?" I laugh.

"You are! You have amazing blue eyes you know. And I'm also more than those things you know."

"Well...It's just weird. I'm not used to compliments" I reply.

"Believe me" she says before leaning forward to kiss me.

I was suddenly aware of my morning breath but Kayley didn't seem to worry as she deepens the kiss and I return the kiss.

"Also you are amazing in bed" she mumbles against my lips.

It makes me laugh and smile at the same time. She pushes me back down onto the bed.

"I want to make you scream now" she smiles.

Kayley was working her way down kissing every inch of my body. Every inch...

 "Oh" I breathe heavily.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps makes it's way to my door.

"Oh shit!" I say in panic.

Pulling Kayley up from under the covers, the door suddenly swings open.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Mum said to check on you but I can see you're doing fine. Hi Kayley. Bye Kayley" Luke slams the door shut.

"Well things just got interesting" Kayley laughs.

She returns to where she had left making her way down my inner thighs. Suddenly everything that just happened was just a hazy memory.

"What exactly was that about?" Luke asks whilst mom was making us pancakes for breakfast.

Kayley had stayed over for another interesting hour before hastily retreating behind my parents and out of the door.

"It was exactly what it looked like Luke" I glare.

"So you and Kayley are actually...." he stutters looking embarrassed.

"Me and Kayley had sex, you shouldn't be so surprised, you already thought we were. You must know about the birds and the bees or maybe Ivy needs to show you a little more" I say angrily. I suddenly regretted brining Ivy's name into the conversation.

Mom drops a piece of cutlery before continuing to make pancakes as if she hadn't heard anything.

"What do you want me to say? Sorry Luke but I'm just so much more irresistible to women."

I watch his face turn pink and then to a purple shade, filled with embarrassment or maybe anger or maybe it was both.

"Mom is it ok if Ivy comes around later?"

Luke makes a complete U-turn knowing what he was saying would piss me off.

"Well of course it is, she's always welcome."

"Well don't expect me home tonight mom, I'll be around Kayley's later" I mumble glaring at Luke before leaving this scene behind.

Suddenly the doorbell rings. My dad shouts from somewhere in the house for me to open the door. I drag myself over to the door and I open it to see her. She was so beautiful.


"Hey Sam" she smiles that damn smile that gets me every time.

"Come on in. Luke will be down in a moment" I mumble before heading towards the sofa.

Ivy sits down beside me. It felt as if she was trying to torture me.

"So are you staying this evening Sam?"

I shake my head.

"No" I say abruptly. I bet I sounded like a spoilt teenager.

"Shame. It would have been nice for you to stay" she says honestly.

I jump up hastily to escape.

"I'll see you again soon?" she says so innocently looking up at me.

"Maybe" I shrug.

I practically run out of the door before she says anything else that might make me want to stay and endure this torture. Of course Luke knew what I wanted most in the world or rather who I wanted most. He knew how much this would get to me. This was my space and my house too. I wished Luke had moved out years ago like everyone else was doing and maybe he could take Ivy with him. I pause. I realised I wouldn't want Ivy moving in with him even if that meant I wouldn't have to see her around all the time. I didn't really know where I was going when I grabbed my jacket and mobile and walked out of the house. I forgot my car keys so I couldn't drive anywhere and I couldn't walk back into that happy family setup inside. I guess I could call Jess. But I had already had a long catch up with her earlier. She had got home safe thankfully. I wouldn't have forgave myself if anything had happened. I scroll through the names, I had no idea why I had half of these numbers. But I stop on one. I could call Kayley.

[Authors note: Luke actually annoys me even more in this story than in Little words if that's even possible.Do you think Kayley and Sam was a one night thing or do you think they're in it for the long term? By the way if you enjoy this please share, comment and vote. I appreciate it :)]

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