Countdown (chapter 7)

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    "Tonight is going to be so much fun!" Jess practically squeaks with excitement, as push the giant beer keg that her brother was able to get us down the road.

"Yeah perhaps I'll be able to beat some of the football guys at arm wrestling after hauling this giant keg for the last mile and  a half" I chuckle. 

"Oh I'm sorry Sam" Jess apologises wholeheartedly.

I laugh shaking my head. "Seriously Jess I was just arm muscles are already strong enough to beat those guys." I reply stopping and flexing my muscles that I had recently been working on.

"I bet Kayley's impressed by those" she winks.

"Oh I'm sure she is" I grin back before resuming my role as keg mover.

"Speaking of Kayley, I presume she's still coming tonight?" Jess asks.

I shrug. "As far as I know I guess she is. But enough about me what about you. Any guys you have your eye on?" I ask quickly to change the subject. I watched her face for any change of emotion but she was good at hiding how she was feeling, I'd give her that.

"No, no one at the moment."

"Anyway I still can't believe your mom is letting you have  a party. Does she realise she is letting her house out to half of the seniors at school?" I ask. 

Jess shrugs. "I guess so, she seemed pretty chill when I told her."

I stop for a brief moment to rest my arms. When I look back up I see my brother and Ivy walking towards us. I inwardly groan. 

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Nice to see you too" Luke says as he stops in front of me. He looks to the beer keg, over to Jess and back to me. "Party?"

I beg Jess with my eyes not to say anything but she only looks back at me confused as to what to do.

"None of your business"I retorted instantly regretting my childlike response in front of Ivy.

"Well maybe I'll just tell mom..."

"Mom already knows" I reply.

"Well she probably wouldn't mind if I go along to look after my little sister" he smirks.

"Go to hell."

"I'm sure Ivy would like to go to a party" Luke interjects.

"Well actually..." Ivy begins to speak before Luke holds up his hand as if to stop her, he makes my blood boil seeing him treat her this way.

"Wouldn't you" he pushes.

"I guess I could check it out" Ivy says finally giving in to my brother's demands.

It looks like Luke already has her wound tightly around his little finger, I never had a chance.

"Well I guess we'll see you at Jess's house later" Luke grins. 

I could just punch his little smug little..."Sure." I force a smile.

I push as fast as I could past Ivy and Luke with the keg in tow.

"See you later guys" I hear Jess say behind me.

"See you later..." I hear the fading voice of Ivy behind before Jess runs up to me.

"Well that wasn't awkward at all" Is all she says.

[Authors note: Hi guys long time to see! Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this story. What a couple of years it's been, I haven't had any time for writing and had all but forgotten about Little Journeys. I promise to finally get the last few chapters published so you all have the finished prequel to Little words. Thanks for sticking with me. Every message and comment I read and appreciate all the support you have given me over the last 10 years]

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