In demand (Chapter 3)

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I can't say I was particularly looking forward to the party that Jess wanted us to go to but then I remembered that I was going to try and become the Sam everyone thought I was, the party animal with no morals. It wasn't going to be easy to change everything about myself to become like that but I was going to try.

Jess wanted me to meet at hers before we went and I was genuinely happy that she was happy to be going so I wouldn't ruin anything for her. I ring the doorbell. I could her someone behind the door running to open it, Jess stands there with a towel around her hair and a toothbrush in her mouth, I couldn't help but smile. She grabs my hand and pulls me in. Her mum must've been out as there wasn't a sign of anyone about. I knew Jess wanted to help me get ready so I didn't bother to change before I arrived. She pulls me up to her room and sits me down on her bed. The normally clutter free room looked like a tornado had hit it.

"Couldn't decide what to wear?" I laugh.

"That's why I need you! Mum hasn't been to a party since the 80s so I can't rely on her fashion advice. What are you wearing?" She asks.

I hold up my bag. "Wait and see" I wink. "You can paint my nails though."

She grins excitedly before running into her wardrobe and coming out with a bag full of different colours. "What colour?"

"You look hot" Jess gasps as I finally come out of her bathroom.

After several hours of hair pulling and nail painting and face painting...I mean makeup I think we were finally ready to go to this party. I look down at my dress I had pulled from the back of my wardrobe, I last wore this a couple of years back at some prom or something, I didn't feel that comfortable wearing it anymore but this was the Sam that people remembered.

"Trying to impress anyone in particular?" She winks.

I shake my head.

"Not someone whose name starts with K?" She pushes.

"Well you know...that would be a bonus" I smile winking back. It felt cringe even saying it. Jess didn't seem to notice though. "Here let me" I purposefully cut her off. I grab the brush off of Jess and help her with her hair. I step back, I was impressed how good it looked.

"Thanks Sam, you know I would totally marry you right?" She giggles.

"Of course you would" I laugh.

She often said the same thing every time I helped her with anything but I knew she was never interested in me that way, she had eyes for only one guy.

Most people in school probably thought I spent most of my time at parties but they would be wrong. I actually enjoyed being by myself and with my own thoughts than surrounded by people I either didn't know or didn't like. As I said I was really happy that Jess was happy, she enjoyed these things and often dragged me to proms, parties or anything social. She loved socialising and was part of many clubs at school.

We finally make it to the party, I wasn't even sure whose house it was but I'm sure their parents would not be pleased to see so many people in their house.

"Wow it's crowded" Jess gasps as we walk through the door.

"That it is" I agree.

I scan the room of hormonal, sweaty and drunk bodies. Most of them I recognised from our year but there were some from Ivy and Luke's year. Just like my brother a lot of them stayed here. Some went to the local college, some got jobs after school but very few of them left. I have always wanted to get out of here. I didn't even mind if that meant leaving Ivy behind because she was one of the reasons why I wanted to leave. I wanted to see the world and meet new people. Someone whistles loudly in our direction. It snaps me out of my thoughts. Jess and I swiftly turn around to see where it came from.

"Sam you are looking smoking hot tonight" the voice came from Paul. He was from one of my classes.

"Fortunately you are not my type Paul" I retort.

"Oh come on Sam. We won't see each other much longer. Come on, maybe you just haven't been with the right man yet."

I laugh out loud. "And you're referring to yourself as that man?"

"Just give it a try Sam. Before I leave for college." He grabs my arm. I pull away.

"No thanks Paul, find yourself someone who thinks you're actually a man. Paul you are just a immature and not to mention gross little boy."

"You little bitch! Not that you could ever handle a real man anyway" he says angrily.

"Whoa back it up Paul!" Kayley from out of nowhere jumps between me and Paul.

"I got it Kayley!" I shout, my hands were now shaking from anger .

"I don't think you do Samantha. You think this is handling it?" She grabs my shaking clenched fist.

"Now Paul skip along with your boyfriends before I hit you myself. Samantha can show any girl a better time than you ever have."

Paul looks from me to Kayley.

"God can't you bitches take a joke." He mumbles something sounding suspiciously homophobic under his breath before he walks away.

Kayley turns back towards me. "So drinks?" She smiles just as if nothing had happened.

There was a small group of people around us who had watched everything. I look around looking slightly embarrassed. She walks through the group of people with me following.

"So how do you know I can show girls a better time than Paul?" I ask as we make our way through the crowd.

"Well please tell me if I'm wrong." She smiles.

I shake my head and laugh. "Well maybe you'll find out one day" I reply trying to sound sexy but I suddenly realise how stupid I sounded. I can pretend all I liked but this just wasn't me. I start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Kayley asks.

"Nothing, it's just I'm not good at this kind of thing."

"Oh come on Samantha Reynolds don't turn all innocent on me now."

"I'm not!" I say defensively. I didn't want Kayley thinking that I was a total wreck at this. "I forgot to thank you."

"What for?" She asks.

"For helping me with Paul."

"It's fine, I just didn't want Pauls pretty face to get broken" she laughs which also makes me laugh. "I was actually hoping you'd be here."

"You were hoping I'd be here?" I ask confused.

"Well yeah, is that so surprising?"

"Umm no...I've never been in demand before" I laugh.

Taking me by surprise she leans forward and kisses me. I was surprised by how fast it all happened but I eventually move in and kiss her back. After a while we pull back.

"So your place or mine?" She says so much more seductively than my attempt.

My need to be impulsive takes over and I grab her hand. "My place."

Nobody's home. Great. Her hand is in mine. I lead her up the stairs. Kayley pulls me towards her. Her lips are on mine. She tastes amazing. Her hands on my waist. We get to my room. I shut the door behind us. She's unzipping my dress. It's on the floor. I'm pulling her top over her head. It's on the floor. I gently pull her down to the bed. I unzip her jeans. I wait for consent. She nods. She smiles. She pulls me down. She kisses me again. Her lips are warm on mine. I kiss her neck. I kiss her breasts. Her nipples. She's wet. Her breathing is heavy. She moans. She moans. She moans!

"Sam!" She screams.

Our breathing is heavy. I'm led down next to her. It's so quiet now.

[Authors note: What did you think? I have to admit I avoid writing overly graphic sex scenes as they often fall flat and feel a bit cringe. So I thought I'd try something new where Sam's thoughts are broken in the moment. Anyway if you're enjoying this story so far give it a vote, a comment, share it with your friends and if you've enjoyed this you can find the sequel Little words on my page]

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