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I know, I wrote again. Crazy. I'm invincible with coffee tbh even though it does nothing. Also this chapter kinda has Lydia and Newt being implied but it's not smut. And this whole story won't be just them two. I just need to establish the world and character relationships so... you'll have to bear with me x


Lydia and Newt hadn't gotten very far in their session. Not because they were pre-occupied with each other, but rather talking about the man who'd passed the blonde by before. Lydia didn't reveal much of who he was, it was the one thing she actually took somewhat seriously. Patient confidentiality, or whatever she'd say, but Newt was relieved she would take those secrets to the grave, because it meant his secrets were safe too. Sure, she'd occasionally talk about someone that exhausted her or was odd, but she never gave Newt anything to identify the person were he ever to pass them by.

"He has two brothers, I can tell you that. And his voice... honestly if they all sound similar I may struggle to choose which one I want," Newt shook his head, leaning back against the armchair.

"Why would they all sound similar? Is that a thing? Haven't really ever paid attention," she sighed, staring outside the window to the rainy street below, people scattered as they're going about their day.

"Get this, they're triplets. And according to him, identical too," Newt felt his head spin. As if the words she spoke were too hard to believe.

"No fucking way. Never seen triplets outside of the TV," she chuckled.

"Right? It's like something not known to be true until you see it. I still don't really buy it," the blonde looked up at the time. Ten minutes left, but he didn't know what to talk about.

"Anyone in after me?" Lydia looked up, then opened her planner in her lap to double check.

"I have like fifteen minutes between you and the girl after. Really don't like having her," she smirked, getting up to lock the door and close the curtains. Lydia was smart. Too smart for this job, Newt felt, and she knew.

"Why not?" Newt stood, coming closer to her, placing a strand of hair behind her ear. He didn't really care to know, but he asked anyway.

"I just feel like she's searching for things she won't find sitting in a room with me," he nodded again, as if the words past through him so quickly that he responded before he was fully aware himself. He kissed her neck, just barely, as if he were a ghost. Maybe he was. Maybe that's why he didn't feel anything at all, because he wasn't real.

He knew Lydia well and her body even better. And so he knew just how to please her. That's one of the reasons he thinks she liked him so much. He'd studied her more in depth than anyone, but it hadn't even been intentional.

Newt hadn't meant for any of this, but he hadn't exactly stopped it either, and he wasn't stopping it now, as he undid her blouse with his cold fingers. He could feel her shake, maybe from the cold, or maybe by simply being him. She leaned her body against her desk and he forced her legs open for him to stand between, and he knew just how easily she was his in that moment.

And he almost found it sad. How can someone be so enveloped in someone else?

Though that being said, as he slowly slipped onto his knees before her, he thought of him again. Stiles. And then he thought of his siblings. As of this moment in time, Stiles was the only one that had ignited something strong enough in him to consider it a feeling, and he didn't know what to make of it. Would they all do that?

As he kissed up her thighs and saw that she really wasn't lying when she said she wore no underwear, there was only one very troubling thought on his mind.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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