"You're so sleepy lately" the cruel vampire Queen jibed as a beaten and bloody Chaelin stirred from near unconsciousness. Sandara had ordered the vampires guarding the slayer captain to play loud music whenever the chained victim started to fall asleep. It wasn't just violence that the Queen inflicted onto her captives, sleep deprivation was another form of torture the sadistic demon enjoyed.

Dara placed her hand on the slayer's chin and held her head up, the woman still hanging by chained wrists from the ceiling of the castle dungeon. "I've come to tell you that sadly I won't be able to play with you today, as town mayor I have duties I just can't get out of" she laughed, "so you get some rest, I'll make up for lost time in a couple of days". The vampire Queen blew a kiss at CL and proceeded towards to exit, "don't let her sleep" she ordered the two vampires guarding the room, one male and the other female. "Yes your highness" they responded in unison.  

"Tired eh?" the male vampire sneered as CL's eyes started to close again. "Play her a lullaby" he said with an evil grin. The female vampire laughed as she pressed the play button on a large black stereo, old fashioned and battery powered from the 90s. She turned it up at full volume, the loud thrasher death metal songs piercing the ears of the horrifically injured slayer.

"Does this soul thing get any easier?" Rosé asked. Lisa laughed, "god I hope so. I'm hoping that one day I get like Mina, all enigmatic and meditating up trees". The Australian looked around in a panic, fearing Mina was watching her from a tree, "is that where she is?!". The Thai smiled as she took a final drag from her cigarette before throwing it to the ground, "relax, she isn't close by" she assured the worried slayer as she patted her shoulder, "she likes to meditate away from us, says our auras and uncontrolled emotions create too much energy noise. Though personally I think she just doesn't know how to deal with Sana". 

The Aussie smiled and nodded, "yeah, I have to admit meeting Sana was a bit of a shock". "She often has that effect on people" Lisa giggled, "probably why Jisoo and I liked her so much". The slayer felt a pang of pain in the pit of her stomach at the mention of her sire's name. Both sickened that this woman technically murdered her, and also sickened by the fact that her killer rejected her. 

"Oh I'm sorry" Lisa said in an almost panicked tone of voice, "I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't bring her up". Rosé shook her head and tried to shake off the sadness, "no it's ok, she's been a big part of your life...or death?". The Thai hung a head a little, racked with guilt, "if the circumstances were different, you would have been one of us". The slayer smiled, "you would have hated that". "At first yeah" Lisa replied with a light laugh, "but you're pretty and have a hot accent, wouldn't have been able to resist you for too long" she joked.

Rosé tightened her grip on Lisa's hand slightly, looking into her brown eyes again. 

Lisa leaned in.

Rosé did too.

The two vampires connected their lips.

A kiss that started soft and sweet, a desire for affection from two victims of rejection, soon turned into an increasingly heated and lust fuelled make-out session.

Rosé's back fell against the van, helped against the vehicle by Lisa's firm grip on the Aussie's waist.

The red head placed a hand on the tall slayer's cheek as she deepened the kiss even further. Their tongues gently clashing every now and then.

Before Lisa's hands could venture towards the Australian's ass, she felt a hand on her chest, pushing her away.

"I'm sorry" Rosé whispered, her eyes still closed, "I can't".

Teeth II Jenlisa AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant