Chapter 5: Childhood Love

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Chapter 5:

"Finally up huh, sleeping pig?" Jack said as we all enter his car and head towards school.

"I could have miss school you know? My mom said it was fine for me to miss school!"

"Your mom allowed you? She has never ever allowed you to skip school, it there something wrong?" Janice ask and bomb me with millions of question. God, this girl sure knows how to kill one soul.

"Anna, I thought you were going to tell her?"

"Slow it down Jack. After school come by my house, you two. I don't care if you have your own plans important or not, come by."


"Sh, the queen wants some peace."

"Yes, your highness." Oh Jacko, got to love him you know.


Tick-tock, tick-tock... It's history, i love history yet i dread for it. I don't even know why, i have history with Finn. I could stare at him all da-

"Er.... Anna? Class is over, stop staring at my boy." I snap out and the most beautiful human is standing right in front of me.... note the sarcasm. It's April. Jolly, oh jolly i sure love April. Thank you for ruining my view of Finny, maybe i've gone a little overboard? Since he has a girlfriend you know...

Meh, the queens has her ways.

"Hey lover girl!" What's with people this days? Don't they realise they are talking to the queen in the rude manner? Off with the heads! Somethings wrong with me today, god knows why.

"What do you one Ja- Hey Roberts!" I look at Daryl strangely, i thought he was Jack since Jack knew and..... wait did Jack told him? Fuckin' shit. "Did Jack tell you something!?"

"Apprently not... but i see you staring at Finn for long and i guess his 'that guy' you were talking about that night huh?" Daryl stood there grinning at me, hell is it obvious? Someone dig me a hole and let me die in it. "So his the one!"

"So not!"

"Yes it is! Look at yourself, you are blushing so much and i've never seen this side of Queen Anna."

"Did the two J's told you about my queen story?!"

Am I really blushing? His lying, i don't blush.. I don't really love Finn, it's just puppy crush. Soon it will fade away, save me lord.

"God Anna, you- are- on- fire-!" Daryl choking for breath laughing at me, in the hallways, must he?! "Ok ok, don't be mad... let's meet the rest in the cafeteria."

Why is this happening to me? Soon the whole world would know and hate me because i fell in love with a guy that's has a girl. I mean pssh, i don't really love-love him... I'm not even blushing, Daryl just loves to poke fun of me. Nothing much.

I sat there all quiet at lunch, looking at Finn and April all happy and giggling. I just kept chanting: Act normal. Act normal. In my head but hell it's way to obvious, if I spoke, i will sure choke on my words cause... Finn.

F m l

Slowly time went by it was time to leave hell, i packed my stuff and went to find Jack and Janice.

"Why so moody during lunch? Is it Fi-" Janice said as we head for Jack's car.

"I wasn't just.. not feeling well you know."

"Not feeling well? Love sick fool ~"

"Can you hush for a second Jack? I love you but i wouldn't hesitate to kick you in the balls."

"Woah..... alright love you too haha!"

Jack's on the computer, Janice and I are on the bed. How am i going to tell Jan that i'm leaving the university we are in now and going to another?


"So.. why did you gather us here today, Queen Anna?" That boy could read minds, maybe his my long lost twin brother.

"Yeah.. why are we here today?" Janice said confuse, Jack's knows everything because yesterday so he could continue with his drama stuff.

"Janice, I'm leaving London.." She sat there open mouth in shock, it's like her jaw drop and couldn't be fix.

"Wait why?"

See told you that Jack and Jan are meant to be! Look their reply is hell the same when i told them i'm leaving. Love. Back to the point, Anna!

"Another university, i got accepted there, so i'm leaving in two weeks time."

"Two weeks?!" Again, in unison this time, both Jack and Jan shouted. Literally. Like my mom said, i still have plenty of time left here but also two weeks is still fast.

"No no no, i don't want you to go... Anna! What about Finn?"

"You want the best for me right Jan? So please don't try to stop me, i won't. Finn doesn't have anything in this..."

"I'm going to tell Fi-"

"Janice, don't. We want the best for her, keep it a secret no matter how hard it is." I gave Jack a thank-you-so-much look, it's hard to in take it but i have too.

"But... but can we have a farewell party for you?"

"Jan, not a party, a small feast. You, me, Jack and my parents... that's all I allow. I'm sor-"

"It's fine Anna. I understand, can we like go bowl or something.... Lighten things up and let it be the same as it use too!"

"That's the way!"

We packed up and i swear we are the weirdest group of friends, our mood change 360 a second. We did some lyrical phone pranks on people while we're in the car, randomly screaming at people on the pathway and honking like nobodies business.

Lucky for us, we didn't get pulled over and we reached orur destination smoothly. Very smoothly.

"Let's go bowl bitches!" Jack shouted, tsk doesn't he knows i'm the best at bowling?

"Excuse me peasant, the queen is here and she will win the victory crown."

"Jack and "Queen", i'm the queen of bowling, so you two suck it up. I'm winning the nando's treat from you both. End."



"Told ya, the queen would win it!"

"You fucking cheated Anna! You literally ran on the line, you were so lucky that every single time you don't get caught!"

"Calm your boobs jan, it's just a game haha!"

"Did you like bribe the staff or drug them?" Jack obviously siding Janice.

"Queen peasants, don't you understand?"

"Yes, your highness." They both said in unison and burst out laughing. Rude.

This day was a little roller coaster, but overall it was fun. Did i mention that the soon-to-be couple flirted in front of my face and i almost puked? April and Finn was enough, now both of them.... sigh.
So Jack dropped me off first and bought Janice back which means sex for the couple! Round of applause for Queen-Match making Anna!

13 more days to go

//Author's note//

Isn't this chapter long & updated early? ;)
Don't you love fast updates, okay so how is this chapter?

Should i fast forward the 13 days or slowly it down... i prefer slowing it down butttt there will be fillers here and there. + some of the "13" days will be skipped.

Hope you love this story and see you next time! VOTEEEEEE

Xo, stylesmeup

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