Chapter 17: Childhood Love

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Annabella, goes by 'Anna' or 'Belle' - Moved to Leeds after getting rejected by  her Childhood Love, Finn Harries. This new university is opening up many doors, even a new guy named Daniel. 

Making things a little more interesting for Anna, Finn decided to head to Leeds but it seems like he is moving towards Amelia? And an added on her clique from back at home - Jack & Janice and Daryl are all gathered in one area.


Chapter 17: Save me?

{Anna's Pov}

Everything seems like how it was back at home, except for the fact we had a new added member, Daniel. The table was filled with buzz - I'm glad Daniel is comfortable with everyone and vice-versa, I can't help but smile at this thought. Our laughter syncing, the exchange of profanities, the constant provocation of starting a friendly fight. I'll treasure this two days more than anything.

"Earth to Annabella? What are thinking so deep about?" 

Right, let's bring this 2 days stay a better one. "Should we head to The Warehouse for some drinks? It's on me guys!"

"YES!" Of course, these bunch of money suckers, who would reject free drinks especially it being on me. Bad choice.


"One shot! One shot! One shot!" 

"Cleared!" Putting the glass upside down over my head to claim victor, the crowd cheered. The burn of alcohol down my throat is sharp but honestly, who cares? It's my clique against this other group which we had a bet on. The group that finish the most shot in 1 minute wins, and of course, who is the better clique? Us. This is what happens when you have Daryl as a friend, this kind of drinking game is honestly, a small fry. How boastful we are. 

Oh? Did I have one too many shots that I'm drunk and that my eyes are playing tricks on me or is that Amelia with a guy... And it's not Finn?

"Hey Anna! You're here too!? This is Alexandra, don't worry I'm not cheating on Finn with this chap here. He is my brother from another mother, Alexandra meet Annabella, Annabella meet Alexandra." With how intimate you guys look on the sofa a minute ago before you noticed me, brother?

"Hey Annabella, you're that girl that down 10 shot in a minute right? The group that you played it was with a close friend of mine. Want to go for another round of game?" Alexandra has that smug look on that I really wish I could punch the shit out him but Anna keep it composed, "Oh, the rules are different with this game. Are you in?"

Backing down from such a dickhead is not in my books.

"Bring it on."

Wait... The VIP room? What hot shots are they? I texted the group where I am, hopefully, there is a sober on in the group.

"So, the game is Flip, Sip, Strip. I'm sure you have heard of this game before? But I'm changing it up,  If you call on heads or tails after you toss the coin, and if you get it right, you pick one person to take a shot. Get it wrong once,  and you have to take off an article of clothing and down a shot. Get it wrong twice, in a row, take off two article of clothing and down two shots. Get it right three times in a row when it comes to your turn, and you can retrieve a piece of clothing you had to take off previously and have someone take  off an article of clothing.

What the fuck have I gotten myself into? I'm honestly one of the most unluckiest person in the world, the 1 out of 100 people slipping on a banana, and I'm that 1. Shit. Hell to my books, and to my piece of shitty pride and my jealous ass.

"Are you in Anna darling? Or are you going to back out?" Alexandra chimed.

"Darling is not for someone like you to call me, and I'm backing out." Pride can be lowered but not my personal morals. 

"Anna, Come onnnn! I'm playing too!" Amelia cling on my arms and dragging me back to my seat. "Just one round will do. Please Anna? For my sake?"

"Amelia, does Finn even know you're here?" Whispering into her ear, knowing Finn since I've ever been out of the womb, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like knowing his girl is out stripping in-front of all her male lads. "I'm not doing this, not even for your Am. Sorry, Daniel won't be happy about it and also, it's against my morals."

Daniel, did you see the text. Please come soon, any minute now. Please. 

"She says, She's in on one round!" Amelia exclaimed, brat. "Heads or Tails?"

It's only one round, it wouldn't be that bad. There's only five of us in this game anyway. It will be over even before the stripping part happens. God of Luck please be on my side.



My heart has burst out of my chest, how did a coin decide such fate of mine. "Alexandra, take the shot." 

It's the last person, Alexandra, "Tails." 


"I pick Annabella to take off an article of clothing."

Huh? What the fuck.

"You won ONCE, it's part of the rules that only in a row of winning." 

"Darling, I very well know the rules. But in fact, I did won in a row, before you came. The rules didn't say about the game restarting when someone joins." 

That fucker, "I-"

"Yeah, Anna, You got to take it off." Amelia chirped in, bitch adding oil to the fire.

Glancing down with what I was wearing - Yes, that's nice, A dress. What are other fucking clothing other than my bra and thongs. 


Rings a bell.

"Sure, I won't back down from agreeing to this one round."

All eyes was lock on me, every inch of their dick is anticipating what am I going to remove.  Bending down, lifting the dress a little,

"Here, my safety shorts." Dangling it in their face.

Someone abruptly barged into the room,

"Anna? What the fuck are you doing?"

***********************************************************************************************Hi! I'm back, officially back. After years of hiatus and on hold of this story. I've got the creative gist to continue. Many things have changed since starting this story, even with our two main youtubers.

Even thought their content on youtube has shifted - This story will still flow accordingly to how it started off with. 

DO COMMENT, SHARE AND VOTE! I honestly appreciate and super touched with all the support I've received. 

@ arcticmathilda / if you have made any covers for this story, just @ me over on twitter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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