Chapter 7: Childhood Love

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Let me apologise for not updating after Christmas like i said i would, i was really exhausted after Christmas! Anddddd being Asian, school starts for me today (2nd January) /lecries/ so updates would be longer than expected but i will be writing in class and shit so....



Chapter 7:

"Look, you should just tell him that you like him soon before you leave. Who knows he likes you too and he just uses April as a decoy."

"You think this is a game Jan? I will, maybe the day before I leave. At least, if I get rejected, I wouldn't leave with any regrets you know." I sigh, Jack and Janice are trying to convince me that Finn likes me.

Who are they kidding? I bet Jack knew that Finn has no interest in me, he just said it to make me feel better. Shouldn't I back off a guy that already has a girl? This suck.

"So you both? Tapping it already, Jack?" Janice rolled her eyes after what I said, hey the topic on Finn is weird ok.

"Yes." Jack said firmly, you should see how much Janice blushed!

"Shut up J-jack!"

"Aw, isn't Jan blushing."

"Do you want me to tell Finn for you!"

"Oh, i'll shut it!"

I just watch the couple bickering in-front of me, wouldn't it be nice if it was F- shut up subconscious.

Why did I even invite them to my house, urgh this is the worst idea ever! Maybe not, but they didn't want to go to uni today so the rebellious us.. Decided not to go.

Oh well, I'm leaving already but they are not so I can skip as long as I can. I mean till like the other 11 days.


"What?!" Fucking couples okay, can't they see that I need my little 'forever alone' space.

"Can we like go someone please! We skipping uni for you, at least treat us to something!"

"Fucking hell." I muttered, this bitches knows how to spend my cash huh. "Movies? After that we shall go to the ice cream parlor?"

"What about arcade instead?" Jack suggest, arcade hm.

"Yeah, it's a great idea but you guys know who is going to win right? Me." I said and started giving my victory bow and wave. I'm hilarious. We decided to be lazy and walk to the mall instead, are we crazy?

Lazy meant you take the car right? But our damn logic is to walk there, i can't even. This is my life, welcome.

"Hell yeah, 1 for Anna and none for the couple!" We were at the basketball area, i think i'm born for this!

"Hey guys!" I turn behind and look a wild Finn and April appears. This day got worse, can't wait for it to get even more worse."

I literally zoned out of the conversation that the both couple had. I couldn't find any fucks to give them, all i did was replying with a nod or smile. I just, I don't even know why am i acting like that.. Maybe i was hell jealous that my crush was with someone else? I do question myself a lot....

I didn't really care that Finn and April were together, maybe it's because i'm leaving and i want him for myself this 11 days left. I'm selfish, but can't a girl have some attention from the one she love? Sigh.

"Anna, can i talk to you for a minute?" I turn and it was Jack. What do he want? I nodded and he leaded me to a corner outside the arcade.

"If you're going to ask me about Jan, all she like is food, you, food."

"I wasn't go-"

"Also she likes Disney stuff, especially Minnnie mouse and also she li-"

"Stop Anna, i'm not going to ask you anything about Janice but thanks. I want to talk to you about Finn...." Here we go again, 'the talk'. "Look, you should confess to Finn before you leave and before he changes his mind. He likes you, the way he looked at you yesterday and when he asked me lots of question about you after we left."

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