Chapter 16: Childhood Love

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Thank you charms1201 for the banner/cover, i love it :) !! Check her stories out and give her a follow ;)

If anyone of you wants to send in your cover/banner for this story, send it to: @sleepingveils1 on twitter!

Chapter 16: (FILLERS)

"Yes, I'll or should I say we're all coming over! Regardless, bunk in your dorm ya?"

So it's kind of settled, the clique is staying in my dorm for the next 2 days to come. Let's just hope no-ones reports it to the head, or i'll probably or will get kicked out. It's been days since the incident with Finn... deep inside, I wish I didn't have left but that was the right choice. He can't push me down and pick me up all over again.

Whatever it is now, I have Daniel to be there for me and shower me with the love I need. There's no going back. I just want everything to go smoothly for now on... Hopefully.

*knock knock*

"Oh, hey Amelia! And... Finn?" This is a joke eh?


{Janice's pov}

"It's friday, friday going to meet the bestfriend!" I sang loudly which is probably embarrassing Jack and Daryl, but who cares! It's been ages since I've met anna, that girl, keeps everything to herself. One day, she's going to breakdown into an uncontrollable volcano. "Do you think Finny and Anna got together? Do you think the Daniel guy looks good? Do you think-

"JANICE GODDAMNIT! How do you even tolerate her Jack, I just don't get you man." 

I bit Daryl's arm, hard, he deserve it! Andddd here comes our daily throwing vulgarities at each other.

"Kids...." Jack sighed.

"Hmmp, Jacko, you're suppose to help your dear girlfriend you know? Not watch some KID here disturbing me." I slump down beside Jack, and cuddle him. The love of my life...

"Whatever Janice... I'm gonna tell Anna on this. She would side with me." Rolling my eyes back at Daryl and fall into a nap.


"You sure we're going the right way?"

"Fuck sake Jan, this is like the million times you have asked me. Yes, we are in the right place! I've been here before F Y I."

So we decided to 'surprise' Anna with us arriving without her knowing so allowing Daryl to take the lead is the only way because he did came here before. I'm just excited! I've never been to Leeds, it's going to be an enjoyable 2 days here!

We were heading into the cafe area they had in their campus, which is a major: W O W. It's huge. I heard laughters coming from a corner so being me, I decided to check it out!

One girl was laughing her heart out with... wait, what?! FINN? and right in front of them is a poor girl, having to watch them being a lovey-dovey. 

"Hey! Janice!" Finn shouted.

"Hi...Finn and friendS?" I look at the two and boy, am I shock.. it's poor Anna. "Oh my fuck, Anna?"

I ran up to her and gave her a big big hug. "I miss you so much, what are you doing here?! Where's your guy?" I whisper-shout into Anna's ear. So gonna screw Finn up, what is he thinking?! Didn't he mention that he wants Anna back? What is he doing with that girl?


 "Hey Jan! This is Amelia, and Amelia this is Janice." Anna gestured towards the girl, I gave a half-hearted smile. I need to know the full shit going on here.

"Anna, would you kindly bring me to your dorm? I would love to see it." Giving her the I-want-to-know-the-whole-story look.

We bidded goodbye to the "couple" and headed to the dorm.


{Anna's POV}

Right now, I'm in an interrogating room. With Madam Janice, Officer Jack and Daryl. Hopefully, someone would bail me out soon. This is getting out of control, damn.

"So? We're waiting for answers?" Janice stood with the bitch-you-better-spill-it-all-out look.

"Come on guys, give me a break. You guys know i'm with Daniel and he would be here very soon alright. Patience guys." I said plopping myself onto the bed.

"Not you and that Daniel guy, you and FINN. My twin, hello? Snap out of it, you silly girl." Jack said waving his hand, oh he looks like a little duckling. "Daryl, come on force it out of her mouth."

"It's nothing really, Finn and I will never happen. I have the sweetest boy in the world and he have Amelia. She's really nice and hell, she fits Finny the best." I sighed, "Guys, I'm over him. Really, please, let it go?"

"Alright guys, let's just suck it and see how does her prince charming look like." Janice said plopping next to me in bed.

I let out a relief, oh my... Finally, they got over it. Took them long enough...

*knock knock* 

Please be Daniel, please please.

"Why yo disturbing our foursome!" Daryl slurred to the door. Right there, right now, I gave myself the biggest face palm in the world.

Really Daryl, really.

"Daniel babyyyyyy! Finally!" I grabbed his arms and started twirling around, "My dear prince charming, please save me!"

"Hahaha! What did you guys fed her?" Daniel chuckled and wrapped me in his arms, being loved is the best. "Hello, you must be Jack and you're Janice right? Nice to meet you, I'm Daniel." 

Janice pulled me away from Daniel, "Aye, good pick from that dickhead of a twin."

I giggled, "Aren't you guys hungry from the train ride? Nando's or Pizza?"

"WHY NOT BOTH!" Jack brust out, oh dear, KIDS hahaha!

"Pizza it is!"

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for this short chapter and few months hiatus. Been caught up with school etc. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter neitherless, more dramas will happen in the next few upcoming chapters!

Everything is just kick-starting!

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Childhood Love | Finn Harries Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن