Chapter 6: Childhood Love

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Chapter 6:

What's the time now? God, it's like only 4-freaking-am... Should i go eat super early breakfast or i don't roam around the streets? Let's ring the twins.




"Hello...." Aw, his sleepy voice is so sexy.

"Jack, let's go eat macs!"

"You called me at 4 just to eat maccas? Are you fucking insane? Count me out, Finny might want to go.... Call him. Bye." Rude slut.


"Hi?" That's quick.

"Finny, want to go grab mac for breakfast?"

"Sure, i'll come by in 5 minutes."

I change into my favourite jumper and skinny jeans. I should inform my parents but whatever i'm with Finn so i don't think they would mind. Maybe.

*knock knock*

"Walking or drive?"


This is awkward, i mean like who wakes up at 4am and call up friends to go join you for mac.

"So, why are you up so early?" Finn said clearing the tense atmosphere.

"Insomnia loves me too much. What about you?"

"Doing some project, i was hungry and you called so here i am!"

"God, Finny don't you need sleep?" He showed his cheeky smile like always, can you imagine in another 12 more days.. i wouldn't be able to see this cheeky smile again? Sigh.

So we grab out breakfast chatted here and there,and a wild April appears. When i thought i could have a little moment with Finn.

"Hey April..."

"I invited her here because she was awake too."

"Great." I replied bluntly, "You both have fun, i shall leave."

"Is there something wrong babe?"

"No April, I just remembered that I left something home so bye guys!"

This always happens, i swear i bet god doesn't want me to be alone with Finnfor long or something. There's always a moment where April would appear, but the good thing when i leave is i wouldn't see April again yay!

I should just miss school today instead, i would love to go to school but argh it's the same routine the whole 8 days excluding weekends. I even ould just leave the school already but i didn't want to make it so obvious that i'm leaving.

I just walked back home without comtemplating, i shall have a youtubers marathon. Can you believe it? If my mom and Rebecca didn't meet or something, i would be a little fangirl over the youtubers? I'm glad, very glad with the life i have already.

What's wrong with me?! Why am i acting like i'm going to die? God, the queen never dies. Me and my sense of weird humors.

I slide in my keys seeing a wild Janice sitting there. How did she come in....? It's like 5 near 6am.

"Hey Ja-"

"Oh my god! Anna! I have something huge to tell you!"

"Er.... okay but why- how did you get into my house?"

"Keys. Carpet. Duh."

"Oh ya, ok so what's the thing you want to tell me about? Wait... let me guess. Jack asked you out?"

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