part two- Frist sight

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*bell rings*

"Finally," I say thankfully as I'm walking out of my first class everyone has their eyes on me as I walk through the hallway, furries murmuring all the way. I put my hood up but it didn't seem to help me, they were still talking about me. The news spread pretty fast so now the next class was already waiting for me. I didn't like all the attention I was getting it felt... wrong in a way.

I mean I like that I'm getting noticed but this is too much just for being human. Everyone in the school was looking at me and I'm just not a fan of it. I got to my next class which was History and looked around for an empty seat but the furries were asking me if I could sit by them, so I let them sit first and with my luck, they left a chair in the back open but a female wolf was sitting by it.

So I walked over and asked, "umm, is this seat taken?"

She looked up at me "Uh. Oh, no you can sit here."

"Thanks." I said to her I sat down and asked, "oh um, what's your name?"

She gave me a puzzled look then answered back "oh it's too early to be hitting on me." I got a little flustered

"N-no I'm just wanting to know beforehand." I was blushing and trying to keep my cool.

"Oh I'm just messing with you, it's Vicki." that was not cool.

"Well, nice to meet you, Vicki. I'm Victor or Vic" I extended my hand and she shook it. "Ok, Vic it's good to meet you."

She gave me a wink then looked to the front of the class. The teacher started the class. "You all know there is a new student, please introduce yourself."

I sighed then stood up and introduced myself. "Hey everyone I'm Victor or Vic." there were murmurs all around about the same thing

"Oh my god, he's human." and "he's so cute." I sat back down and the teacher continued class.

After class I got to learn more about Vicki at lunch. We were standing in line and we just started talking.

"So what's one of your hobbies?" she asked,

"Oh, um well I did piano for a few years and I'm starting to do it again." she got a surprised look on her face

"Wow really? How long was it sense you played and stope?" I was feeling good about talking to her.

"Well I started at... I think it was eight years old, then I stopped at ten, and now doing it again at fifteen so for... three years?" I couldn't tell if she was disappointed or confused.

"Why did you stop?" she asked.

"I... I don't know. I just didn't like it" there were a few seconds of silence between us but I kept it going. "So what is one of your hobbies?" she got a little embarrassed but she told me.

"Oh... I um do violin." I was impressed by this.

"Really?" I said, surprised by this

"Yeah, I just found that playing the violin was relaxing." I found this cool.

"Well can I hear you play one day?" she got a smirk and said,

"Maybe if you win me over." I got flustered and bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it!" he said with a snarl.

"Sorry." That wasn't cool, what she said. I walked back over to her. "Not cool," I said to her, a little angry.

"Sorry, not sorry." We got our lunch and found an empty table after a few other furries asked if I would sit with them. We found a spot after a while and sat there and started to talk more. "You're popular now, aren't you," she said.

"Yeah only because I'm a human. But I don't like this much attention. There's just so much of it and I don't need it." She looked at me with an odd look.

"It's better than being messed with though, right?" She nudged me.

"Not wrong" we talk some more before the bell rang for third period. "Well, gotta go. I'll see you whenever." she turned around.

"yeah, you too." she walked away, then I walked to my next class which was Science. 

(I hope you all enjoy this story. and I've been asked to go to Webnovel as well so be sure to cheek there soon and find my story. and in another note, if you want to be added to this story please feel free to ask. all I need is what they look like, gender, sexuality, and personality.)

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