Chapter 8- An ally...?

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I woke up with Vicki holding me close in her sleep, nuzzling her head into my chest, it hurt but it was worth it to have someone this close to me and holding me. I pick up my phone from a box that had my nightstand in it and checked the time, it was 5:38 so I still had time to rest so I laid there trying to sleep but couldn't. So I laid there petting Vicki who still had my hoodie on, I held her closer and I know it sounds creepy but I sniffed her. She smelled like lavender, one of my favorite smelling things, I stayed there and remembered what she did yesterday so I teared up and hugged her tighter. This lasted all the way to 6:40 when my alarm went off and I had to get up for school, it was loud enough to wake Vicki

"M-mmh... turn it off..." she nuzzled my chest "I'm comfy..."

I chuckled "we have to get up for school Vicki, come on up."

She groaned "nuuuu..."

It took a little bit but after about five minutes of trying I got her to get up buuuut I had to pick her up and set her on the floor, I know it was mean I said sorry afterward. She sat up off the floor and rubbed her eye while letting out a cute little yawn.

I chuckled at her "cute."

She shook her head at me "nu... I not cute..."

I laughed a little "whatever you say."

Once she woke up a bit more and got her clothes on from yesterday and put my jacket back on before smelling it, I watched as her ears went down and her tail swayed as she smelled it. I reached for my jacket but she moved away, I thought to myself "ok she enjoys how I smell, no problem I'll get it back before we get to school." so I don't mind it. When we both were fully ready we got in Vicki's car and she drove us to school.

*one short drive later*

She parked us in front of the school by this time it was 7:23 about time for school to open and other furries to start coming, some were already by the front gate waiting to be let in. I turned to look at Vicki who still had my hoodie on and sniffing it, I reached over and patted her shoulder and she looked at me still holding the jacket up to her face.

"Um- I would like my jacket back now if ya don't mind."

She pulled it down from her face "but, but you smell nice, and it's comfy."

I chuckled at her "whatever you say, but really I would like it back. Who knows what the other furries would do if they saw you with my jacket on Vicki."

She looked a bit disappointed at what I said "ok fine..." she took it off and gave it to me.

I smiled at her "thank you, now let's go, don't want to be late for school." I said trying to cheer her up

She giggled at my joke "yeah yeah ok."

We both got out of her car and walked to the gate where a teacher was just unlocking the gate to start letting kids in, once they did that me and Vicki were the first ones on campus and to get food. So we sit and talk while we eat our little bars for breakfast, a little bit later more furries started coming here. Once they saw me and Vicki sitting by each other a lot of them started giving Vicki dirty looks while others didn't care. God, why can't they all just not care like the other ones? Vicki had her ears down and she got up ready to walk away but a... furry? If you can call him that stopped her.

"Hey, don't mind these guys there just jealous of you," he told her

he was tall and muscular with thick fur on his head, neck, and shoulders and thin fur covering most of his body. I say most because his forearms, hands, and legs had scales on them with long black claws on his hands and feet. His ear was very heavily pierced He also had a long lizard-like tail covered in fur and frilled on the mid part to the tip, he was also frilled on his forehead to the base of his neck. His fur was mostly a mix of silver and black except for the back of his head witch was in an oddly colored vibrantly amount of colors such as Emerald green, Violet, and blue/ his tail was colored a deep red in a smoke-like swirl pattern.

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