1 - Rainy day

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3rd person POV
It was a Saturday morning around 11:24 am when you heard the quiet pitter patter of rain hitting the window. You slowly opened your eyes and immediately you felt warmth all around you. You looked over to your left and saw a cloudy, grey sky while little raindrops raced down the big window. Then looking down at your body, you saw strong arms wrapped around you, making you smile wide. Looking to your right this time, you saw your boyfriend, Denki Kaminari, peacefully sleeping next to you. Deciding to leave your warm bed, you slowly made your way to the bathroom, listening to the soothing rain.

Today was a perfect day for indoor activities; snuggling up to watch a movie, drinking tea, taking a nice hot bath, reading, or all of the above. It also just so happened to be your and Denki's day off. Having the day off meant getting to sleep in a while and being unapologetically lazy. Grabbing a hair brush you start to detangle your hair while humming a sweet melody that randomly popped into your mind. After some time, you heard footsteps approaching the bathroom and you assumed Denki woke up. You eye him slowly making his way to the bathroom in the mirror reflection, half lidded eyes and bed head prominent. He stops to look at you then wraps his arms around your waist lazily and leans his head into your neck.

"Good morning love, Did you sleep well?" You ask as you place your hairbrush down replacing it with your toothbrush and toothpaste. Denki didn't move, he just mumbled something and wrapped his arms around you tighter.

"Speak up love, I can't hear you when you mumble," you said with a chuckle.

"Keep humming please, it's calming."You giggled slightly at his child like antics and continued your little song. A little later you were both sitting on the couch just cuddling watching The Breakfast Club with the rainfall providing background ambience. In both of you guy's hands was a bowl of cereal. Lazy days meant no cooking whatsoever, even if it meant skipping out on a nice home cooked meal.

Suddenly unexpected loud thunder clapped followed by flashes of lightning. The sudden loud sound and the flash made you jump a little. You usually were not scared of thunderstorms but this one was getting pretty bad. Denki noticed your uneasy face and body language and immediately tried to lighten the mood.

"To think you'd be scared of lightning and thunder when you live with me. That's nothing compared to what you've seen me do." Denki said as he stood up from the couch marching back into the bedroom.

"I hope whatever you're planning isn't stupid." You said as you ran after him. When you entered the room Denki had on his raincoat and boots with a bright and goofy smile on his face.

"Do you even know me? I'm known for doing dumb things, that's why it's fun. But, doing them with you makes it better." You let out a slight 'aww' as you walked over to the closed to grab your raincoat and boots as well.

"I was thinking we could go outside and play in the rain for a bit," he said, putting his hood up. You nodded and he grabbed your hand and dragged you out the front door. Immediately you were pummeled by heavy rain. Eventually you got used to the feeling and started twirling around laughing at the fact that there was now water filling up your boots.

Denki was watching you dance around in the rain, splashing in puddles and having a great time. He was gonna walk over to you but slipped in the process landing hard on his back. You heard a thud and turned around finding Denki on the ground looking kind of embarrassed, but he was laughing. Once your brain pieced together what happened, you started laughing as well. You wanted to help him up but ended up slipping as well falling on your ass. Your hood fell down in the process so now your hair was soaked too.

While still in a state of shock, you looked up at him. He had a hand over his mouth, siffling his laughter staring right back at you. And soon enough you both burst out laughing rolling around on the ground. People passing by stared but you didn't care. He gets up and wipes off any mud that got on his face then tended to you. Soon after, a loud clap of thunder roared, and the rain came down harder.

"I think we should head inside now," you say. Denki nodded and grabbed your hand, leading you back inside the building. Once you both were inside, you both plopped down on the floor exhausted.

"Okay so what now?" He asked and you take a minute to think.

"We shower and dry off, get snacks and then watch a movie."

"That's a great idea! And if I may, I suggest a shared shower time? You know, to save water and all," He says smirking.

"Denki, I swear to-"

"Joking, just joking, unless, I'm not joking and you're totally up for this idea?"

"I don't know about you but I like enjoying my showers alone. But if you're lucky, then maybe tomorrow."


"No promises." You say while getting up and making your way to the bathroom.

Later on after showers, Denki is on the couch picking a movie and you're in the kitchen getting snacks. On your way over you pick up a blanket and bring it over, curling up next to him as he pressed play. You guys ended up watching your favorite movie.

A little while later, towards the middle of the movie, you started to feel a bit tired. You lay your head down on Denki's chest and you start to doze off. You felt an arm wrap around you, while the other brought the blanket up closer to you. Finally, give in to sleep and as you do you heard Denki say,

"I love you Y/n." And you loved him too. Only, you had already fallen asleep at this point so you didn't get a chance to say it. He then turns off the tv, kisses your forehead, and drifts off to sleep as well.

The End ~

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