Chapter 15

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"I wanna kill him"

Both girls said in sync, visible hatred and annoyance can be seen on their faces. The maid, gasped at her lady and her commoner friend at the mention of killing someone, and her escorts gaped in shocked at the two kids saying such crimes. As they were about to reach out to the sleeping boy, Silva and the maid, that was named Neon(which I forgot), prevented them in getting too close to the boy.

"L-lady, we should actually depart now or we'll a-arrive by night." Neon stuttered as she ushers them back in the carriage. Both kids declined leading to a more complicated conversations and persuasion.

"Please, my lady, just comply for now and-"

"Okay, but one condition, let me smack him one time" [Madison]


"Let me also skin him"


Both kids are now pleading with their cutest puppy eyes that could charm many, adding the charms of the heroine, she can't help but to give in but she knew it was utterly wrong, before she could even say a 'yes' word, one knight interrupted and making the maid sigh in relief, so did the other escorts/knights.

Both went inside the carriage pouting and settled down.

"Ah, seems we've met the first capture target" [Madison]

"The idiot one" [Alicia]

"Certainly, and for your information, he's your destined one"

Alicia snorted at Madison mentioning about the oh-so-called destined one, she'd never let any other man to protect and serve her. She'll choose whomever she wants, BUT not from those capture targets things. Madison on the other hand, was still worried if her dooms would still come. Indeed she has befriended the heroine and was also a reincarnated fellow, and beleived that the story won't go as the same as before, but she still have this tiny feeling that, it was still going. The story is still progressing but in a slow pace.

Less than 30 minutes, they've arrived at the house- no exclude that, they've finally arrived at the mansion of the Vienna household. Alicia can't help but stare in awe how magnificent and how luxurious Madison's life was. Damn, the villainess sure have it easy. She thought as she roam her eyes around the mansion filled with old antique stuffs, beautiful portrait and landscape paintings, maids scattered around cleaning like its the only thing their is.

"Is she perhaps a noble?"

"I doubt that, look at her clothes, certainly, they are made with fine silks but, she doesn't have any accessories on"

"But her hair"

"And also the eyes, there are no commoners who held such vibrant hairs and eyes"

"It feels like she is..."

"Her aura seems to scream nobility"

All the maids they passed whispered with each other but was stopped when Madison turned and glared at them. True, their lady is a kind and energetic child but when angered, she turns into a total different person. Alicia on the other hand, though she has heard everything doesn't seem to mind at all she was captivated by the things she's seeing.

"Put all her things in the guest room, we'll be discussing some things in the library"

"Yes, my lady"

The butler nodded and did what he was told, and off he went.

"Seems you've got an easy life"

"Huh? You think being a noble means happy life? Yes, it may seem so but, you have it wrong Alicia, you have it all wrong. Let me teach you the ways of a noble"

With that, she saw the wide grin on her tiny face which made Alicia feel shivers down her spine. What is this girl thinking again?


A soft and gentle voice called out which made their head turn to the owner of that voice, Rose, which was Madison, leaped and went straight to her.


She exclaimed as she gave her a tight hug which made the lady giggle. Once she acknowledge the other person, she smiled at her.

"And you must be the ever famous Alicia my daughter has been talking about day and night"

Alicia was stunned at the moment and praising how beautiful the lady was, when she finally realized she hasn't answered her yet, she composed her self and lifted her dress, crossed her legs and bowed at her.

"Greetings, your grace, I go by the name Alicia, a daughter of a mere dress shop owner and a humble ex-adventurer/assistant guild leader, please to meet your acquaintance."

The lady was taken aback at how educated this young girl is, no wonder her daughter has taken a liking to a commoner, she has the aura of a natural born noble.

"Yes, please to meet you too, my name is Martha Serene Vienna, wife of Marquis Caleb Dustin Vienna and mother of Madison Rose"

Wow, complete title introduction, good thing I learnt etiquette from that former noble turned to adventurer guy. (Referring to Harley from chapter 3)

After that brief introduction, both girls went to the library and went on to business.

"Haaahh~ now that everything's been settled, tell me everything about that sh*tty novel."

"Words please, and after these, we'll be learning something else."

"Uh- o-okay?"

What really is wrong with this girls mind? I can't read what she's even thinking.


I Reincarnated as the Heroine?! (Not So Cool)[On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now