Chapter 3

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Alicia's/ Alice's POV

Almost three years and a half has passed since I got reincarnated and life has been really peaceful, all of the townsfolk I met say that I'm a bit weird for a three year old, I mean, I can already read when I'm only 11 months old, I started talking too at that time, I can already walk without assistance when I'm 1, and I can already write when I was two, which is not normal for them.

But what I find weird is that, none of the people here have light blue hair nor eyes that are red as mine. Even my parents and brother had dark hair color, once, I even thought that I might've actually been adopted or something...I tried asking why my hair and eyes are different from them but they just brushed it off, so I thought, might as well find it out myself, and that's how I've discovered that, I'm actually really 99.9% adopted. And you know what's worse? I just remembered something, no, more like someone, that had the same story as me and how she ended up marrying that sh*tty prince, and lived her life completely sitting in a grandeur chair, which is the heroine of an untitled sh*tty novel I read from my past life before I died, and I just happen to be reincarnated as her. Wow, talk about coincidence.

I blankly stared at the handkerchief that has the needlework of the Ellsworth Crest and at the bottom left of it, there was a name knitted on it that clearly says Alicia Snow Ellsworth in an ancient language which made my suspicions clear, that I, really, reincarnated as that weak shi- (ahem), heroine. I heard my door creaked as my mother entered with her usual lively mood, but as she saw me with the handkerchief, her face turned 180.

Norma's POV

"Good work today, Merida and Lena, get home safe." I greeted at both of them before closing the door of the shop, I saw my husband walking towards me as he wraps his hands around my waist which made me giggle like a child, "I'm tired, my boss keeps giving me a lot of workloads, should I just become an adventurer instead of an assistant?" Here we go again, he's usual whining, I just rolled my eyes and just comfort him with words. "Come on, let's go home, we can't let Rebecca wait, she also needs to go home" Larry just nodded and we walk our way down to home.

Lately, Alicia has been more suspicious regarding if she was adopted or not, she's been asking the neighbor's some question about our family. I know for a fact that, we have to tell her about that but, I'm afraid she might leave us and search for her family. I'm not yet mentally prepared if that day would ever happen, I already think of her as my own.

Once we've reached home, I let Rebeccca had some bread before she goes home, she's the one that babysit both my children while we're away.

"Becca, where's Alicia?"

"Oh, she's in her room, maybe reading some of the books I gave her, she's really something, sometimes, I kinda felt like we're on the same age."

She giggled and thanked us for the bread before leaving. As for me, I headed to Licia's room and inform her that dinner is ready. As I entered the room, I saw her looking at something, my eyes widened in shock as I recognize what is it. It was the handkerchief that resembles her birth. I approached her with my hands trembling, I sat down next to her.

"Alicia, we want to tell you something." I managed to say without stuttering, I imagined this day would come, but, I didn't expect it to be this early. I'm afraid, terrified I should say. And as the thought of her leaving, I can't help the tears from flowing. I don't want to give her back.

Third Person's POV

Seeing the mother who raised her cry in front of her, she can't help but tear up as well, she held her hands tightly and hugged her, "I'm sorry." Alicia apologized surprising Norma, "I should've said something that I knew it all along, especially with this expensive handkerchief even the viscount's can't afford." She was even surprise that she can tell the value of the handkerchief, even she, herself can't see how valuable it actually was. She just kept hugging her, joined by another pair of hands which was Larry and Brandon, they we're actually eavesdropping.

"No matter who my real parents are, you guys are still my family, I looooovvvee~ you guys so much"

"Oh!My baby"

"*sniff, Licia is still my sister, no one can separate her from us!"

They all laughed together at how Brandon tries to keep all the tears from flowing. 'Yeah, this is truly where I belong now, this is my family.' Alicia thought still tightly hugging her new family.

Days and months passed, Alicia is now officially 4 years old and was known as the tiny troublemaker in their town, who would've guessed that knowing how your future goes could actually changed someone's personality. Currently, the town was quite in a mess right now.

"Where is that pipsqueek at?! I swear, if I find her, I'll strangle her to death!"

"Hey, Harley, what's with the ruckus?"

The so-called Harley suddenly grabbed the man's robe and accused him of hiding the child he talked about.

"You know where she is right? I saw you with that sh*t, come on, tell me where she's hiding."

"Uhhh, apparently, I have no idea what your talking about right now, and if I was hiding her, then, I can't just hand her over to someone like you."

"For bloody god's sake Rayven, that child your trying to hide, STOLE my sword, who knows what she's going to do-"


"Oops, ehehe."

They both stared at her for a bit before reacting, "You-" Harley was about to grab her but she slid through under his arms as she fled out of the place heading to the forest, "Blegh! You'll never catch me!" She let out her tongue mocking him and continued running until she reached the forest.

"The town has become very lively lately huh, thanks to Alicia."

"Certainly it is"

"My, Alicia really has a lot of stamina, I hope she doesn't get lost in the forest."

"I heard there's a fairy residing in there right? He does keep the forest away from dangerous monsters but, he also keeps humans away."

Alicia sat under a tree calming her self down for running so much, "Good thing I managed to get the sword tho, but I wonder why is it not that heavy?" She raised the sword above her head admiring how shiny it was, 'okay, I should be able to swing it this much'

Alicia's POV

I took a deep breath and tried to swing the sword but, as soon as I raised it, it suddenly became so heavy that even I myself lost balance and stumbled down, damn. That guy must've enchanted it or something, and as soon as wanna pick it up again, it suddenly turned into a dagger? What the-? Cooooll~ I picked it up and examined it, this is lit!

My fun time was interrupted when I heard someone, "Get out" it said in a demanding voice as it echoed throughout the forest, it's not as scary as the ones I watched back then though, so, jokes on you. "What if I don't wanna?" I spit back which kinda made him angry, as soon as i said that, he showed himself, my eyes widened, can't believe what I'm seeing.


I Reincarnated as the Heroine?! (Not So Cool)[On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now