Chapter 4

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Alicia's POV

My eyes widened in shock seeing how this creature could be this f*cking beautiful, he has long black silky hair that freely sways until his knees, his eyes red as the ruby, and his glossy pinky lips, who the hell is this guy? "You, human, if you're afraid, just nod and I'll gladly let you off just this time." I was kinda confused how he's floating, and I saw a transparent wings behind him, is he a fairy?


He doesn't even look like one, fairies are suppose to be more cute right? No, since he's in his adult form, its hard to tell.

"Hey, human!"



Ah, is he angry? Surely he is, his face is turning red from anger, "Get out here, I've no time dealing you" Aah, isn't he the type of guy who's cold at first but turns out that he's actually kind, but just doesn't know how to communicate? Yeah, he's that type of guy, ummu, I see. "Hey fairy-san, do you know what type of magic that's been enchanted in this sword?" I casually asked ignoring his tantrums, I showed him the dagger and he leaned closer inspecting it, guess he's now interested. "Ehhhh, this one's easy to enchant, you need to have water attribute in order to change it's form and weight, wait, why are you asking me these questions? Is it not yours?"

"Nope, just stole it, I wanna learn swordsmanship but my parents and brother doesn't even want me to learn, so, might as well learn it myself"

He stared at me in disbelief and I can see a smirk form in his lips, "Why do you need to learn it, when you clearly have nothing to use it for, besides for defending yourself, tell me what exact reason you want to learn it"

Why do I want to anyway? I turned silent for a moment which made this guy- fairy impatient and tried to walk away but stopped as soon as I talked,

"...prove myself..."


"To prove myself (or more like the original Alicia), that I don't need any man to survive this cruel world, and that I, can stand on my own two feet."

I told him without hesitation in my eyes, yes, I don't need those pretty two-faced men to protect me, I can look after my own self, that I am not that weak, innocent, bright child that can't even protect herself from such lowly bullies.

"I see" I heard him say and looked at me grinning from ear to ear.

"Give me a name"

"Huh? Why would I give you a name? Don't you have your own?"

You think I'm dumb? I know where this is going but, I'm just playing dumb.

"Tch, just give me one!"

"Okay, okay, don't yell at me, geez, I'll think of something so wait."

Okay, so, what cool name would suit this guy? Uhhhhh, since he's dressed in all black, theeeeennn. Hmmmm

"Kuro, you'll be Kuro, which means black btw, it's japanese for black."

"Japa- wha? Anyway, I like that name, sounds cool."

After a flick of his finger, bright light blinded my eyes letting me cover them with my hands. When I tried to ooen my eyes, I'm suddenly at the entrance leading to the forest, "How the hec-?"

"Hey, there she is!"

"Oh sh*t!"

It's that Harley dude, gotta escape,
Or so I thought I would, "Hey! Let me down you muscle brain!"

"Wha? Muscle brain you say? I guess you need a spanking for being naughty you little pipsqueek!"

"Aaaaahhhh! Help me Rayven-san!"

"Eheheh, sorry Alicia, can't help you this time"


Ouch! My butt stings, can't believe he actually spank my butt, damn him. Oh, come to think of it, where's Kuro? Ever since I got out of the forest, I've not seen him once, oh, was it because we're in the streets? I guess he doesn't like humans that much.


"Oh, big bro!"

"Did you come to- ouch! What was that for?!" He flicked my forehead! Can you believe it? My poor forehead, it's already red. "Don't you big bro me Licia, what have you done again this time? You ditched Rebecca-neechan in the market, broke some plates in the inn and stole Harley-niisan's sword! What were you thinking?!"

"I repent for my sins, besides, I gave him back his sword"

"Why did you take his sword then?"

"It's because you guys don't let me in with your sword fighting"

"*sigh* Licia, it's not a game we can play, you know that right?"


"Are you really sorry?"

"Yes" (Not actually)

"You sure?"

"Hm, yeah" (Noooope)

"Good, now, let's go home, it's already getting dark"

I just nodded, acting like I was actually sorry, but tell you what? I'm not sorry one bit at all, yep, I'm a bad child indeed. Big bro opened the door and saw mama at the dining table preparing dinner, and papa in the couch wiping his shiny sword.

"Oh, you're both back, dinner is almost ready, Brandon, come help me cook the soup"

I ran to papa's arm which kinda surprised him but he still took me in his arms, "What's gotten into you huh?" I just smiled cutely which my father find it cute, yay to the charm power of the heroine, "Can I have the sword please?" I asked sweet and polite as possible,



"Oops, sorry baby, I can't do that, ahahaha, why not a cute teddy bear instead?"

"I kindly refuse"

Quick answer eh, well, I hate stuff toys, I prefer a sword instead. I just went to the table waiting foe them to finish cooking, wondering why I was suppose to be the one helping mother? Well, last month, when I tried cooking together with mother and Rebecca, I somehow mistook salt from sugar, almost burnt the kitchen, and I almost burnt my own self. Tragic, I kinda wonder why the heroine in the story is so good in cooking and baking, while me, the opposite, even in my past life, I'm so bad at it, even my older sister doesn't allow me to enter the kitchen. To tell the truth, I still can't remember their faces, it's all blurry, I guess it's some kind of side effect of being reincarnated. But, why were those reborn main characters in the anime and manga's remember their past so clear? Ugh! Talk about being unlucky.

"Dinner's ready" Mom called out waking me up from my thoughts, damn, these things looks all delicious!

"Licia, mind your table manners"

Brandon scolded, geez, what a mom he is, now that I think about it, Brandon was more childish and selfish and a bit of a sis-con in the story, I wonder if I influenced him to grow mature because of my stubbornness. Well, I'm just glad I can enjoy this kind of meals with them.

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