Chapter 5

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Brandon's POV

Alicia, my little sister is surely the cutest in this world, for sure. And that's not suppose to change, and yet, why is she like this? Lazy, stubborn, selfish, troublemaker, doesn't know how to cook, how is that suppose to be cute?! Surely, she has the cutest face, but it does not even reflect to her actions. I stare at this creature, who's currently comfortably sleeping in a not cute way, I swear, I hope this girl finds a husband who's good at cooking. And does she even know what time it is?


Yep, I woke her up, using the usual way, pour cold water, "Hey, wake up and help mother at the store, we'll be busy for today, and we also have to prepare everything before tomorrow comes."

"Huh? Why? What's with tomorrow?"

I stared at her, I can't believe she totally forgot about it, I just deeply sighed, knowing her, she did actually forgot.

"It's King Ezreal Klein El Zephyr's birthday tomorrow, we celebrate it every year in honor for the Kings longevity, you got sick last year and the other year too, that's why you haven't been able to join in the festivals"

"Eehh, I see... Should I just assassinate him?"

"Huh?" Did I hear that right? What the hell is wrong with this child's mind. Sometimes, I wonder if she is ever serious on something like this or, just joking about it, but for a split second, I saw a hint of grimace in her red eyes which quickly turned into that normal expression.

"Yeah? Oh, you said we'd be quite busy today right? Why is that?"

"O-oh, there'd be a lot of deliveries for new dresses for tomorrow, so better change fast and help mom out, I'd be with dad in the guild, there's also been a lot of requests so we're kinda loaded"

"Big brother is reaaallly a responsible man, I hope you find a good wife too"

She got out of her bed to hug me which kinda surprised me a little bit, "Wha-? Wife? That's too early for me you know that right?" Geez, she really is still the cutest little sister I could wish for.

Alicia's POV

(This scene happens after the dinner, meaning, its still nighttime)

I got inside my room after a hot bath, and quickly dived in my not so super soft bed, "Hey, are they your family?" A voice asked and looked up to see a tiny child form of Kuro, which is cute btw, "I prefer this kind of form of yours, seems to be harmless now" I joked and I heard him clicked his tongue,

"If your saying that I don't look like any of them, then your right, I'm someone else's child"

"Ah, no wonder your light blue hair doesn't match anyone in this town"

"Say, what type of magic do you posses anyway, since I'm gonna be using them as well"

"Cocky brat, magic attribute's dark, lightning, and fire, skills are space and time control, there's a chance you'll also acquire my skills which is proven to be rare unless you posses a lot of mana..."

He paused for a bit and smirked looking straight into my eyes, "what?" I asked and he just ignored me, he changed into his adult form getting rid of his wings, and casually sat on my bedside window, "I guess if it's you, then, it's definitely possible to acquire my skills" is what he said, skill huh.

"Hey, how do you acquire skill?" [Me]

"Well, it's not something you can acquire, it's something you are born with, something like, your own desire, but for us, since we are contracted, it's up to me if I want you to learn my skills" [Kuro]

"So basically, I don't have any desire at all so I don't have any skills?" [Me]

"Nope, you already gained your first skill, you just have to activate it." [Kuro]

"How do you activate it?" Uhmm, I mean I don't see any screen here or something that says activate, obviously there isn't, this is not a game.

"How would I know? It's your own skill"

"I don't even know what my skills are"

"Meh, its up to you to find out, that's not my problem"

I just stared at him, wow, seriously, what a dependable fairy you are. Your suppose to give me a hint or something you dumbass. Tch, let's just figure it out.

"Ah! Wait, is it possible to acquire many skills?"

"Depends on how much your body can take"

"Okay, here I go"

I stood up from my bed and let myself into deep thinking, skill I desire, I know just the perfect thing, I still remember imitating that guy from 'fate stay night' or something it says. I raised my hand pointing at my door and imagined an object, once I'm done, I opened up my eyes and chanted

"Skill, activate, Creation!"

With a bit of disappointment when nothing happened for 3 seconds, a bright light covered my eyes and as soon as it disappeared, I saw an iPhone! I was about to rejoice but, to my huge disappointment, it was just the case, hah, truly not what I had imagined to create. Bummer.

"Could've activated sword skill if you really wanted to learn how to wield a sword"

"Ah! I messed that up!"

I was about to do something again but, I felt like my body has lost its energy, I slumped down the floor looking very tired.

"But still, you managed to stay up 5 minutes more despite that crazy skill you just activated, I'm surprise you didn't cough blood for creating something"

"Woah, didn't know it could actually drain a lot of your energy just from creating an item"

He carried me bridal style and laid me down the bed, certainly, that was some bold move I did there.

"You rest up"

"Yeah I'll do that"

Kuro's POV

This girl, I never thought she would actually activate such unworldly thing, and on top of it all, she even created something out of this world object, I had a hunch that she's of noble birth with an immense mana but, I never thought it would be this much. I bet in another hundred years, she'll be one of the most powerful existance in history, if she wasn't human.

"Your an odd girl, Alicia."

I can't help but smirk at the thought of how I actually managed to find such a rare existence. Now, I can't wait to see how much you would achieve as a human and as a contractual partner



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