49 - truth or dare

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The next week and a half went by pretty normally.

Draco and I spent a bit too much time together, but I think it was mostly because we were too scared to leave each other again. He walked me to all of my classes, scared that something was going to happen to me and that he needed to be there.

It was sometimes annoying, but seeing how much he cared for me always made me smile.

Sometimes, he would tell me about how he was scared for Hogwarts and all of the students here. He said his second task from the dark lord was going to be horrific and he wasn't sure when it would happen, but I knew it was soon.

I knew it wouldn't be good.

I tried to ask him about what the task was, but he would always change the subject. It was obvious he was uncomfortable about it.

Draco wasn't the only person acting this way. Jade has been on edge ever since we faced the boggarts in Snape's class and seeing her so torn has made me a bit paranoid as well. She would wake up sweating and crying from her nightmares, and would run over to my bed to sleep with me.

I didn't mind though. I liked that she knew she could trust me.

It was Wednesday, and the group decided that we were going to hangout in the common room tonight, when the others went to bed.

There were only two days left and then It'd be summer break.

I had mixed emotions about it. I was glad that this mess of a year would be over with, but I was a bit afraid of what would happen next.

That bad feeling had crept back into the pit of my stomach again...


"Finally, you're here!" Blaise laughed as he sunk into the armchair besides the fireplace, "You girl took forever."

"Oh, shut up!" I laughed as I sat beside Draco on the sofa and watched as Jade slowly walked over to Ryder.

She looked sort of upset as Ryder tried to wrap his arm around her. Ryder looked at her sadly, knowing that something was wrong with her, but still held her close as they settled down.

"Here." Blaise handed Draco and I a drink as the cups got passed around.

Draco immediately took the drink from me and took a sip, tasting it for a few seconds before handing it back to me. Blaise shot him a confused look, but I knew he was doing this because of what had happened on Halloween. Even if it was his bestfriend, he didn't trust any guy around me.

He handed the drink back to me and gave me a weak smile before I giggled and ruffled his hair. He scoffed at my action before quickly attempting to fix his hair, which made me laugh even more.

"Who's up for a game of truth or dare?" I laughed, knowing what had happened the last time we played a stupid party game.

Draco shot me a confused look as the rest of the group just sat there staring at me.

Jeez, so much for being sarcastic.

"Bad joke, but seriously I'm bored as shit. Let's play," I laughed as the group joined in.

Draco gave me an uncertain look, obviously still upset with what had happened in the past, but i squeezed his hand, assuring him that It'd be alright.

"Jade, truth or dare?" Ryder smiled as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She looked up at him and gave him a soft smile before answering, "Dare."

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