23 - forget

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I spent the rest of the week trying to avoid Draco.

After seeing him sleeping at the our spot, I couldn't look at him without breaking a little inside.

The last class had just ended and I was on my way back to my dorm to get ready for the party.

"Bitch, come on!" Jade laughed as she grabbed me and pulled us into our dorm, "You need to look hot tonight!"

"Gee thank, Jade!" I laughed as she shook her head and handed me my dress.

I got changed and when I looked in the mirror I smiled.

This was the first time I had felt myself in days.

After doing each other's makeup and hair, we took one last look at ourselves in the mirror and headed down to the Gryffindor common room.

We could already hear the music playing before we walked in.

"You're here!" Hermione squealed as she hugged me tightly and then hugged Jade as well.

After a moment, Jade relaxed into her hug and I felt a smile creep on my face, proud of the friendship I had formed.

Hermione led us inside and over to where her, Harry, Ron, Neville, Ginny, and the twins were sitting.

They smiled at us and Ron laughed, "Looking good ladies!"

The Gryffindor party was less intimidating than the Slytherin parties. It was still super fun without having to worry about people judging you all the time.

"I think I'm going to go get something to drink," I said, excusing myself as I made m way over to the drinks table.

I looked across the table and saw that they had many light drinks, but then my eyes landed on the fire whiskey.

I've had a rough week, I deserve this.

I didn't want to feel the pain anymore, I just wanted to let loose and enjoy myself tonight.

I poured myself a shot, and downed it.

I was getting better at not making a sour face after drinking it.

Then I took another.

And another.

I took about four before I decided I should head back to the group, but I was stopped by a tall brunette with soft features.

"Hello, Beautiful." He smiled and extended his hand, "I'm Cedric Diggory, and you are?"

I put my hand in his and he brought it to his face and gently kissed it.

"I'm Y/n Whitmoore."

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl. Do you fancy a drink?" He smiled as he let go of my hand.

I'd already had four shots and I knew I shouldn't have more due to me being such a lightweight, but I didn't want to worry about anything tonight.

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