39 - not ready

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Draco's POV

Seeing the message on the back of the watch broke me.

She loved me.

A shiver went down my spine as I remembered that night in the astronomy tower. She was trying profusely to tell me something, but my brain was so fixed on trying to protect her that I wasn't listening to her.

I spent the rest of the night in my bed curled up with the watch in my hand.

The next morning when I woke up, I wrote another letter to her and then stuffed it away in the drawer with all the others. It was sort of pathetic how many I'd written, but I guess you could say it was my coping mechanism.

It felt like I was still talking to her. Like I could just empty my head and could just imagine her listening to me rant to her.

But I remembered that I'm just imagining things and that I need to face reality.

She's gone and she's moved on.

It was the day before the yule ball and I was sick of everyone talking about it. The girls were freaking out over their dresses and the boys were boasting about if they thought they would get lucky that night.

I tried my best to ignore them all, but my mind always wandered back to her.

I would dream about me taking her to the ball and dancing with her. Just like we had done with no music, we would slow dance into the night and not give a care in the world about who was watching.

Classes went by normally, I'd see Y/n every now and then in class, but she was usually busy talking to the golden trio or Jade and Ryder.

Thank the lords that they've not told her about how I obliviated her.

Jade told me all about their dress shopping experience and how good Y/n looked in her dress. I told her that I'd seen her and Cedric dancing outside the common room yesterday, but I was only able to see her for a few moments before I shut the door, so I was looking forward to seeing her in the dress again.

Even if she wouldn't be with me.

During History of Magic, I asked Daphne Greengrass if she would go with me to the yule ball and she happily agreed. I should've been looking forward to the ball, but instead I seemed to be dreading it.

After classes, I told Ryder about the watch and what it had said on the back. He hugged me and tried to comfort me to the best of his ability but I knew that inside he was still upset with me about it.

I was glad that he cared so much for Y/n, though. So much to the point where he wasn't afraid to give me a black eye for breaking up with her.

But, he was still abs would always be my friend, so he assured me that everything would get better and would go back to normal soon, even though I knew that it wasn't certain.


After class, I began to get ready because Cedric had asked me on a date for tonight.

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