24 - break

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When I woke up, I had the worst headache.

My head was pounding from the inside out. Why did I have to drink so much?

I rubbed my eyes before opening them and I felt my heart stop when I saw where I was.

Oh no.

Why was I here?

I was tucked in forest green silk sheets and beside me was Draco Malfoy.

We didn't...We couldn't have.

Oh Merlin, what have I done?

I quickly got out of the bed and was relieved when I realized that I had all of my clothes still on.

"Where are you going?" Draco whined from the bed, "come back to bed."

I scoffed, "Why am I even here, Draco?!"

He smirked, "I don't know, Whitmoore. You tell me."

I was about to open his door and storm out before he stopped me by saying, "You drank too much and I didn't want anything bad to happen to you...so I brought you here so I could watch you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"And how would you know how much I drank?" I asked giving him a serious look as I crossed my arms.

"You were dancing all over me and when I joined you, you didn't reject it. You didn't even look up to see who I was. You could've been raped for Merlin's sake if it was anyone but me! You remember what happened with Adrian-"

That was it.

"You're saying that I'm lucky it was you because I could've been used! I'm not quite sure if you remember, Malfoy, but you took my virginity for a few extra fucking galleons!" I yelled harshly.

He looked shocked that I raised my voice at him but I was too upset to care.

And then I came up with something I could say that would really set him off.

"You know, I wish it was Adrian! At least he owns up to his actions." I seethed as I glared at him.

His shocked expression quickly turned to anger and he gritted through his teeth, "Don't you dare tell me you'd rather it be Knight! He's fucking psychotic and tried to rape you for Merlin's sake! Listen to yourself! What's gotten into you?!"

I laughed as I threw my arms up into the air, "Whats gotten into me?! You're so screwed up in the head that you mentally wrecked me and then thought it would be okay for you to crawl back into my life! Who do you think you are?!"

His features hardened and his eyes darkened as he tried to hold in his anger to the best of his ability. But he was failing to do so.

"I know I fucked up! But I've asked for you to forgive me so many times now that I don't know what to fucking do anymore! What do I need to do to make you see how badly I regret it?!" He yelled, shaking from anger.

gone. (draco malfoy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat