The End

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No One's POV

Tommy and Jesse (The guy who is actually in the game) rested on the street after Jesse found Tommy washed up on the shore and he helped him out of danger as a few runners had spotted him when he hit the shore. Tommy was regaining his breathe as Jesse looked around to see if any enemies of any kind was around. The street that led to the theater where the rest were taking refuge, so they had to find a place to rest and quick. Jesse was wondering what to do as he also worried about Ellie, since it has been nearly over an hour since he saw her and he did not like her odds where she was going. He then spotted an aquarium that ad an easy path that he could take to while helping Tommy.

He looked around to see a few infected straggling closer. Jesse helped Tommy up to begin walking to reach the fence. He helped Tommy up who landed on the other side to climb over himself. He helped Tommy up once again to make his way to the main building where the lights were off, some of the glass broken and shattered, and a grim aura could be felt the closer he got. Jesse reached the building to walk through the dusty a dark halls to soon see a dim light around the corner. He followed the light to see a man in a chair as the room was dimly lit as an old lightbulb lit the room.

Jesse stayed cautious to slowly walk closer for him to step on a shard of glass. The man looked at Jesse to not change his expression, "So, are you here to kill me too?" Jesse's eyes widened a little, "So your one of Abby's friends." "Correct." "Where is she?" "Off on that island you might of seen. She went with two Scars." "So what are you doing here?" "I wanted to leave. Take a boat and go somewhere safe, away from here. But I did something wrong when my head was in the wrong place. My wife took my boat, and left. So now I'm stuck here." Tommy began to regain his strength allowing him to stand on his own, "It's what you deserve after what you did." "Maybe your right." Tommy looked at the two, "If you wish to kill me, then get it over with." 

Jesse looked at Tommy who raised his gun, so he took a step back to look at Owen. Seconds passed for Tommy to then lower his gun, "This is worst than death." Owen lowered his head as he stayed silent knowing that he was right. Jesse put his hand on Tommy's shoulder, "Let's go see if we can find a clear path to the theater." Tommy turned around, "Yeah, the quicker the better." As Tommy left Jesse looked at Owen to toss something to him. Keys jingled as they landed in Owen's lap. He picked them up to look at Jesse, "If you really want to leave those keys belong to a car a few blocks down to the left. It's full of gas, I was going to use it, but Tommy already has one." Owen looked at the keys, "Thank you." 

Jesse left, for a folded up poster advertising the theater to fall out of his pocket nd land on the floor. He joined Tommy out of the backdoor for them to see a path leading to the rooftops that could lead to the theater. Meanwhile at the theater Ellie walked around the theater to check up on Jessie (Your cousin). Jessie noticed her, "Hey Ely." "It's Ellie." "Oh, hey Ellie. What's up?" "I just wanted to see how you're doing?" "Oh I'm fine." "How are you taking in the whole, your friends not being who you thought they were?" "It's; hard to take in. But being with my cousin and Susan again is great. And I'm really excited to see this great society you guys keep talking about." "You'll fit right in. And thanks for telling us a way to get out of here without being seen." "Anything to help get us out of here as soon as possible." The two smiled at each other for Jessie to tilt her head to another room, "I think (Y/N) wants to be with you for a while." "I do too."

Ellie walked into the other room to see (Y/N) sitting on a bed with Rosy next to him, with Roxy and Rody on the other side. The sight made Ellie smile for (Y/N) to see her, "Hey Ellie." "Hey (Y/N). Do you mind if I sit with you?" "Not at all. Let me just rearrange-" He was cut off by Ellie sitting in his lap as she leaned onto (Y/N)'s chest, "So warm. I missed your comforting warmth." (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Ellie, "I missed this too." "It has been some shitty couple of days." "Yeah, but we've been through worse." "No, I haven't." Ellie looked back at (Y/N) who tilted his head to ask her to explain. Ellie looked down at her hands, "I thought that you and Joel were dead. I saw your body bloody and not moving, and then shot. For days I thought about every single time you made me happy, angry, joyful, irritated. Every time you made me cry, laugh, frown, smile, snicker, and sigh. I missed every moment with you, and I thought that I would never get to have moments like that again. Our bed felt cold and empty, our house was dark and grim, and the days were saddening."

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