The Beginning

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A/N: The trailer for this wasn't canon for the story. It was just a cool little thing that I wanted to do. The main characters are real though.

No One's POV

(Y/N) was nineteen years old as he sat in the snow while Ellie sat next to him. They have been together for a few months and they loved each other happily. Ellie laid her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder with a smile on her face, "So, how long do you plan on sitting here?" (Y/N) gave a look of deep thought, "Hmm, maybe until my butt freezes to the snow." This made Ellie laugh a little, "That sounds great. I can go away when you get annoying, come to visit whenever I want, and get to decide what you eat. But I wouldn't be able to cuddle with you because you will be cold, I would have to come all the way out here to see you, and you may die from a stalker. Sorry, but I can't let that happen." "Damn. I really had my mind set on staying here forever." Ellie then lightly hit his arm, "Well to bad. Now come on, I am craving a salami and cheddar sandwich." (Y/N) got up to offer his hand to Ellie, "Ma lady." Ellie took his hand to pull herself up to peck (Y/N)'s lips, "Why thank you good sir."

Present Day

Jesse smacked (Y/N)'s face who just turned twenty-one, "Come man. wake up." (Y/N) grunted as he sat up, "Why couldn't you leave me in my memories?" Jesse threw on his jacket, "Oh it was just a fight. You've had two of them before." (Y/N) put on his boots, "Yeah, but not like this." "What was it about anyway?" "Well I don't know how it started, but my cousin Jessie and Ellie's old friend Riley got thrown in. We went back and fourth and I was so angry that the rest was a blur." "So you can't exactly remember what the fight was about." "Yeah." "Then why don't you just apologize?" "Well I plan to today. Just in my own way." "Ohh that sounds like it'll go well. How's your face?" (Y/N) rubbed his cheek as it had a faint hue of blue, "It's doin' fine." "I'm gonna go get Ellie for the runs. You do what you have to do to get ready." Jesse walked outside for (Y/N) to follow who grabbed the doorknob, "Come on Rosy." Rosy ran out to go by (Y/N)'s side as he closed the door. 

Jesse walked off for (Y/N) to walk towards the main part of town as the snow crunched beneath his feet with every step. Rosy stayed next to him for (Y/N) to look down and pet her head as they walked onto the main street, "Your a good girl." As (Y/N) was walking Susan sneaked up behind him, "Boo!" This made (Y/N) jump a little as he looked behind him, "Jesus! Don't ever do that again." Susan laughed as she walked next to (Y/N), "Oh that was so good. Usually no one sneaks up on you. What's on your mind?" "Nothing. The snow crunching just made it to where I couldn't hear you." "That doesn't add up." (Y/N) stayed silent for Susan to pat (Y/N)'s back, "It's been a week. She misses ya too." "I doubt it." "Oh your such a downer." "Not all the time. Only when I-" He then hit the side of the building they were walking next to, to have snow come of and land on Susan, "I want to be." Susan burred as she wiped the snow off, "Well played. But I will get my revenge." She then started to walk away, "Well I have go check all of the guns and supplies for the scouts today." "So your in charge of what I have for the next few days." "Oh don't worry. I'll make sure that most of your stuff will work." "That's reassuring." Susan then went to walk away as she petted Rosy, "Such a good girl."

(Y/N) quickly made his way to the bar to have a man near his age welcome him, "Hey (Y/N). Everything you need is in the back." (Y/N) made his way to the back, "Thanks Mike." As he walked past Rosy caught a piece of chicken that Mike tossed to her. After a few minutes (Y/N) did what he came to do and left with a paper brown bag, "Thanks Mike." "No problem. But now you owe me." "Yeah I'll look for bacon bits." "You know what I want." He walked out and headed towards the main gate to notice four children trying to make a snowman. They were failing though as they weren't tall enough to put the head on. So (Y/N) made a detour to to help them roll up the body and head. The kids were very grateful as (Y/N) taught them how to roll up the snow and bundle it up to stick together. A few other kids came to play and pet Rosy who pounced in the snow. 

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