Back in the day, whenever they would escape Arkham together, right after they would head to the nearest nightclub, and Harley would blow off all of her money in drinks and V.I.P services. Normally, Ivy wouldn't dare to drink alcohol, she found it unnatural — and still does — but given the circumstances of fleeing a mental institution, she saw no reason to do just that.

Many of the drinks were nasty and seared her throat, but a buzz was fun to get. It was fun... until Harley would get out of hand, as she always does whenever she is out partying. She tended, and still does, to get into fights with the people there. So, she'd have to keep a watch on her and make sure the blond wasn't getting too rowdy. It worked well, for the most part.

Drunk Harley was, and is, uncontrollable.

Hell, might you say sober Harley is a saint next to drunk Harley.

"Oh, Bernie, I'm beat," she exclaims out loud in a dramatic tone. She lounges about in her New York apartment, lying on her brand new couch with Bernie right next to her. Her eyes are on the screen of her laptop as she scrolls through the calendar. "How much money did we make?"

"Minus all the fines, and compensatin' for damaged property," the stuffed beaver begins, answering his owner's question with all honesty, "only seven dollars and fifty-eight cents."

Seven dollars and fifty-eight cents?! I picked up double shifts this week, she thinks. A deep frown forms in her face. And, on top of that, I was hired for six jobs this and last week! Then again, she was instantly fired without pay from half of those... Soon, she might need to get a roommate or permanently move out... She is already two months late in rent.

Early last week, she got hired as a temporary sous-chef, which resulted in her accidentally catching the entire kitchen on fire after falling asleep on the job. She was supposed to keep an eye out on a batch of cookies in the oven. "It's time to make big bucks," she thought to herself before taking an unexpectedly long nap, which led to the destruction of the restaurant's kitchen.

Not long after that, she applied for a cosmetology gig. She wouldn't be doing anything big, just doing women's makeup at a nearby Sephora store. She thought she did great with picking out the bright blue eyeshadow for an elderly lady and hot pink blush, but the woman didn't think so, as she screamed as soon as Harley turned the seat to the mirror and she finally saw her reflection. Harley cringe towards the woman's reaction is expressed on the vanity mirror. 

Then, in the beginning of this week, she worked as a clown for a child's seventh birthday party. She looked great. If there is something she knows how to do best is being the best clown. But it then started going left when the children demanded her to start blowing animal-shaped balloons for them, which she couldn't do. She only knew the basics, snakes and swords. Her lack of preparation caused the children to burst out crying, which resulted in her getting kicked out of the party without pay.

It has been a rough two week for her.

Suddenly, Harley's laptop rings with a notification. "You've got mail," a robotic woman's voice chirps, and she clicks on the Email.

"Another job offer," Bernie shouts in disbelief before groaning out loud. "I can't look!"

The Email consists of a short video which displays a dark-skinned woman with short hair and almond eyes dressed in a sexy pirate costume. She is standing next to the cardboard figure of a man also dressed in the costume, but the male version. She simply pokes the cardboard cutout of the man, and he begins to speak in a harsh accent.

𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬                     (𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧)Where stories live. Discover now