The center tree, however, was no longer the same. It was still leafless, but it looked dead. And the leaves on the ground were totally dry.

We entered Toriel's house, and when I entered, a warm and calm feeling enveloped me. I closed my eyes and stood in the center of the room when Mom went to the kitchen.

"Hey, you look very distracted, are you all right?" Flowey asked, directly at me.

"I am great." And really, I felt really well in that place. There were still many webs out there, and some cracks in the walls.

"I'm going to make a special pie for your comeback, what do you think, dear?" Toriel asked, anxious. I just nodded, with a smile.

She turned on her back and started cooking. I walked to the corridor on my right, where the rooms were. I entered the first room, which was where Toriel had told me to stay, the first time I came. It was a cozy room, small but cozy. The bed was now small for me, well, obviously that would happen. I was 22, I've grown almost twice my height. (lie, I was not that high, but still grew considerably.)

The room was dusty, I took a look at it. I still had the toys in the boxes, an empty picture frame, but there was something on the wall that, as far as I remembered, it didn't have when I arrived before. It was a white paper with a simple drawing of a green apple, with a piece of tape holding it.

"Do you think it was Aliza?" I asked Flowey.


I was about to leave the room when I saw Toriel at the door.

"Cute drawing, isn't it?"

"Very much," I said, gently.

"It was a little girl who fell here recently. She had such a sad face, but she was so cute, and very polite." Toriel stared at the floor.

"What was your name?"

"Aliza. Do you know her?"

Flowey and I looked at each other.

"No, but I would love to." I smiled, trying to cheer Toriel a little. She smiled back.

"Feel free to explore the house, okay?"

Was I surprised a little. She hadn't even said she couldn't go down there. Did she knew?

"Thanks Mom." Toriel seemed satisfied with the answer, and left the room.

"Are you going to escape?"

"No. I will tell her about the plan."

"We have a chance to leave, and you want to stay here?"

"Ah but ... I missed Toriel so much. I don't want to leave you without any explanation."

"As you wish, then."

We left that room, and I thought about going to Mom's room, but I went straight through and went to the mirror.

"Despite everything, it's still you."

I smiled in the mirror, and managed to imagine myself younger, beside me. I was so serious, geez. I'm happy to see the woman I've become today.

"Aren't you going to enter her room?"

I shook my head, negatively.

"She deserves privacy."

And I went to the living room, where Toriel was reading a book, just like the last time. That hurt a little, I won't lie.

"Aren't you going to get some rest, my child?"

"I ... I'm a little big for the bedroom bed" I laughed.

She smiled and stood up, closing her book on the arm of the chair. She motioned for me to follow and took me to her room.

"Feel free to sleep there. You look very tired." She passed her soft hand lightly on my face, and I closed my eyes, with a little sleep. I yawned and she opened the bedroom door. I thought it was locked, but it wasn't. (wow what a genius.)

"If you need anything, I'll be in the living room, okay?" And closed the door as soon as I nodded.

Coincidentally, there was an empty pot on the desk in the bedroom, where Mom's diary and other things were there.

"Want to get in the pot?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"I knew it."

I know I sounded a little rude, but I was very tired. I put Flowey in the pot and took the backpack off my back, placing it next to him, on the table. I sat on the bed and slowly laid down. My back hurt and my ankle hurt a little again.

"How nice," he said sarcastically, a little quietly. The bed was soft and very cozy. I fell asleep quickly. And I didn't have any dreams until I woke up.

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