Chapter Ten

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"And?" I asked impatiently.

"That is when the hybrids will attack again."

"So you knew they were hybrids all along." I say in an emotionless tone. "You knew we were all going to die and you did nothing but lead them all into a slaughter. You failed to train the pack to fight against them and their abilities." The look of guilt on his face said it all. I scoff and shake my head in disappointment.

"They were looking for the Kynda." He continues as he rubs a hand down his face "They knew that only the The Flame would be able to get access to it. That's why they attacked that night. I knew they would sense the gene in you even if it hadn't been triggered yet. They would know that you were The Flame that's why I told you to run."

"Is that why we're under constant attack? This stupid Kynda is what they want? It seems like everyone on the planet knows what it's for except for me. If I am risking my life and my pack's safety for it I deserve to know what the hell it's for." I spit out as I shake my head at the revelation. Everything suddenly falls into place. Like the missing piece of a puzzle. They're after me.

"Alora, I understand that keeping you in the dark like this may not have been the right way to go about it. But now that you know, you must find that cave. You are going to need all the help you can get. You can't do this alone. I believe what lies within the cave holds the key to you winning this war."

I scoff as his words sink in. "You realize that I am no longer that sixteen year old girl right? I have busted my ass every day for the past three years to provide safety for my pack and I've done it alone. Now if a war is coming tell me what I need to know so that I can go and protect them."

He stares at me for a moment before sighing "No. You aren't sixteen anymore. There is a war coming. The hybrids want their leader back. They need The Flame to use the Kynda and release Emerson. You can't let this happen. You must find the cave Alora. It could be your only hope."

"For the love of Goddess dad, you don't even remember where it is. I will not spend the days before war on some wild goose-chase while the Werepires grow larger each day." I sigh in annoyance.

He looks at me puzzled and snorts "Werepires?"

I groan and roll my eyes "That's what Emerson calls them, us... whatever. Look I'm not going to keep wasting time. I have to get back before it's too late."

"Time moves differently here than it does in the outside world. Three hours here will have only been five minutes out there." He explains before sighing. "It's not a wild goose-chase. Whatever is in that cave is strong enough to wipe away the memories of your alpha father and your werepire grandfather." He smirks before getting serious again "Promise me you will find the cave."

"Dad, to be quite honest I have no desire to see what lies within the cave. The only thing that I care about is my pack's safety." I state and he sighs before standing up and going behind him. He rummages for a moment through the shelves. When he finds what he's searching for he comes back and slides a crystal bottle towards me. It was sealed shut with an old worn out and delicate yellow cloth inside.

Curious, I open the bottle and pull it out. Unrolling it slowly, careful not to tear the withered cloth I read the note in elegant penmanship.

I am the key, but also the lock

I am bound to nature, while others are not

Strong and fearless, endlessly divine

Evil and wicked as portrayed through time.

I look up at my father and he crosses his arms over his chest. "Whatever the hell is in that cave is the key to winning the coming war. It might be the only thing that can kill 'Werepires.' So it will do you good to locate it."

I suddenly feel my heart constrict in my chest and I gasp as blood comes spewing out. My father rushes to my side and grabs my shoulders as I choke on my blood.

"What the hell is happening now." I groan out in annoyance as I gush blood onto the floor.

"You're being pulled out." He says wide eyed.

"Pulled out?"

"Someone is forcibly pulling your soul back to its body. Quite violently might I add. Sweetheart, I fear whoever has found your body knows about you and this Oasis. You mustn't trust anyone. You mustn't let anyone get their hands on the Kynda. Protect it with your life Alora!"

"I thought— you said... That I am in more danger now because of it." I try to speak through the gushing blood. My feet slide backward as I am harshly pulled back by an invisible force.

"The Kynda belongs to The Flame. It was intended for you and only you. Its power's too great. You mustn't let it out of your sight Alora." He warns as I go flying backward. I disappear behind the shelf and feel myself get slammed back into my body.

With a loud gasp my eyes flash open only to squint against the harsh bright light above me.

"Rise and fucking shine." Growls a deep voice as his face comes into view and I glare into his blue eyes. "Remember me princess?"

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