My eyes once again land on mum's jewellery box that is sitting in the middle of my bed staring at me. Mum's words start replaying in my mind on repeat telling me to wait for the right time to come, but on the other hand, the jewelry box keeps staring at me with a taunting look nagging me to open it.

'When will this right time come?'

'What if this isn't a right time at all'

'What if...'

My train of thoughts reaches a stop when realization hit me like ice-water on a winter night, 'there isn't a right time for anything. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, whether I open this box today or ten years later there will still be consequences to it, they may change, but they will still be there'

Keeping that in mind I gently take the box in my hand, running my fingers across it I observe the roughness of the antic design on it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I take a deep breath and lift the lid of the box...

But it doesn't open. I grasp the bottom half of the box in one hand and using all my might try to prey the upper half-open, but it won't barge. This brought me to the conclusion that the box is locked.

Bringing it closer to my eyes, I try to spot the keyhole, but I find none. 'How can this be possible?' It's like the box is glued together by some kind of super glue.

Defeated, yet very intrigued I decide to find a way to open it. But for that, I would have to do some research and a whole lot of digging. Stashing the box back into the hidden compartment, I head back to my bed.

'Come to think of it, who build that hidden compartment in my closet?'

This mansion hold a lot of secrets and mysteries and I plan on uncovering them all. As my brain goes wild with ideas to open the box, my stomach comes back to life.

Knowing that I can't ignore my hunger for too long and that another packet of chips isn't going to do me or my growling tummy any good, I decide to finally go downstairs for dinner, but only after making sure that no one else is lurking around downstairs.

Creeping down the stairs in the most serial killer way known to mankind, engulfed by complete darkness, I use my phone's flashlight to navigate through it.

On reaching the kitchen, I jump in fright when the lights turn on all of a sudden without my interference. I look around frantically and relax when I spot no one around. Sighing I realize that it was the motion sensor that turned them on.

With my hands still resting on my chest and my heart rate still speeding, I glance around the kitchen while my mind comes up with a way to arrange food. A florescent color catches my eye, turning to look at it more closely I notice a sticky note posted on the microwave.

Making sure that I remain light on my feet, I tiptoed towards it. Pulling it off the door of the microwave, I examine the note and the words written on it.

You want your space and I completely understand, but you and I both know that taking your anger out on your food isn't good. Knowing you I'm sure that you must be ravenous, so I saved you some dinner.

P.S There is a surprise waiting for you in the fridge and congratulation once again on winning today, we couldn't be more proud.


I read and reread the note a couple more times and yet I fail to identify who the handwriting belongs to. Their gesture screams care and love, but I refuse to let their thoughtfulness warm my heart and burn down the wall of anger I have encaged my heart in.

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