Chapter 14

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Dreams. I very rarely ever dreamt, and if I did, I never remembered them anyway. As a child I had nightmares all the time. As a way of coping in adulthood I think I forced my brain to only see reality. So I never dreamed. That was until last night.

Katherine was so beautiful. Even lying on my bed, naked and exposed to me, I couldn't think of anything more beautiful in the word. My normal tastes in my sexual experience were fast and hard. Not that I didn't care about my partner's pleasure but mine was first and foremost the most important thing.

But listening to the soft moans escape her lips. Her tiny whimpers as a I nipped and sucked at her. How my name breathy rolled off her lips. In that moment, there was nothing more important than her. Her body was already trembling as I prepared to enter her. I had no idea if she was on birth control, so I reached over to the nightstand where I kept my supply of condoms. She gave me a quizzical look and I smiled.

Before I entered her I leaned down on her. Smiling up at me she ran her fingers through my hair. "Do you want this?" I asked breathlessly. The throbbing in my dick was making it hard to concentrate. But I would stop if she needed me too. I'd never force her to do anything.

She pressed her lips to mine. I entered her swiftly and she moaned into my lips. I had to have her slow, to savor every single inch of her. As she was tightening, building towards her climate I picked up speed. As she finished she yelled my name. And that was what I kept dreaming on loop. Her screaming my name coming undone below me.

Opening my eyes I smiled. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Patting the bed, I noticed I was alone. Little minx. Where had she gotten off to? Climbing out of bed I slipped on a pair of grey sweat pants and checked the bathroom. She had been in here, but she was gone now.

Exiting the bedroom I could hear commotion coming from the kitchen. I smiled. Katherine and Gio were probably having breakfast. I could hear Gio laughing, a deep belly laugh, and I frowned. She made him laugh and he comforts her when she's sad. What in the hell was going on between those two?

I wasn't ready for the scene in the kitchen. Katherine stood by the stove looking pale. Gio was by the kitchen counter laughing like he had just seen an award winning comedy. And Siena, my beautiful sister, was there with her hands on her hips looking ready to bring her ire down on the world. Shit.

I took a deep breath. Might as well get this over with. With a forced smile I walked past my sister over to Katherine. Planting a soft kiss on her lips, which she returned, I whispered, "morning beautiful."

Her whole face turned bright red. She was embarrassed. God only knows what my sister had said to her. And fucking Gio was cackling like a Hyena. I should punch his stupid ass for not warning me.

My sister was tapping her foot now. My father's temper was about to come out of her at any moment now. Her voice was sharp when she asked, "Che Diavolo sta succeeendo?"

I rolled my eyes. "English please. Katherine doesn't speak Italian."

Siena gritted her teeth. "Fine. What the fuck is going on Lorenzo?"

Katherine played with her hair nervously. "Maybe I should give you two a moment." She said softly.

Gio smiled, but had finally suppressed his laughing. He held out his hand to her and she took it willingly. "Come on Katie. Let's see what kind of mischief we can get into while the grown ups argue." She gave him a soft smile and they exited the kitchen.

It was silent for a moment and I could see the wheels spinning in Siena's head. She was watching me, her brown eyes narrowed. Then she gasped. Her hand came to her mouth. I was confused, not realizing she was seeing me without a shirt on. There was nothing covering my still fresh gunshot wound.

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