Chapter 10

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Adrenaline. When I finally came too, I tried to spring out of bed. Where was I? What had happened? Where was Katherine? I checked my surroundings and noticed that we were not longer in the apartment. What the hell happened?

I stood there for a moment trying to calm my breathing. I took stock of my body. That's when it hit me, the pain, in my chest. I looked down to see a fresh bandage. Shit. This was bad. Really, really bad. That stupid bitch shot me. My blood started to boil. I wanted to kill her.

The door opened and I tensed again. Gio peeked his head in and noticed me standing. His eyes were wide but he just put a finger over his lips. I was confused and I started to ask why the hell he was doing but stopped. Slowly, he pointed to the chair in the corner where Katherine sat slumped, sleeping. What the hell is going on? I nodded and followed him into the living room, slowly and quietly shutting the door behind me.

Gio went into the dining room and was rummaging around. Coming back to me, new gause in hand, he barked, "Sit down before you fall down you idiot. Let me take a look at that."

Rolling my eyes I did as he asked. Though I would never admit it, I did feel like absolute shit. I leaned back and he began to take the bandage off my chest. Neither of us said anything for several minutes, not really knowing how to start. Finally I cleared my throat. "What happened?"

I got a long sigh. "I'll be honest," he said "if you would have died on me, I would have revived you just to kill you myself."

I started to chuckle but stopped. Son of a bitch that hurts. "How bad?" I asked a little more weakly. I brushed my hand over the bandage and sighed.

His voice was quiet when he finally answered. "Bad. So fucking bad Lo." he pinched the bridge of his nose. I can't imagine how hard this must have been for him. He has lost so much already.

"Tell me." I encourage him. He is a talker, so maybe this will help him.

"There was so much blood. When I got there," he stared and sat down. His face was tired and he looked like he had aged. "Katie was tied up hysterical, you were in a pool of blood, and that fucking bitch Roza...." he stopped. His face was red, eyes hard, and he looked like he could kill. He was trying to get it under control, pacing his breathing and flexing his hands. When he spoke again, his voice was hard. "I didn't know what to do. I went after her but she hoped a fire escape. I came back and Katie was pleading with me to untie her. So I did.

I felt my body tensing. I didn't like to hear this. But I had too. I nodded, encouraging him to continue. "What happened next?"

"Like I said, it was bad. I really didn't think you were going to make it. But then," he rolled his eyes. "I see why you like her. She yelled at me to get the van and to get my shit together. She held her hand to your chest the whole ride back here. She helped me get you inside. I think she cussed you out a few times too, which surprised me, because she doesn't seem the type to curse." he chuckled. "And ever since then, has not left your side, and has been a pain in the ass. I had to force her to eat yesterday. And to change her clothes."

This caught my attention. Had to force her to eat yesterday? She did eat before she left. "Gio, how long was I unconscious for?"

His whole body slumped. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. How didn't I notice that? "3 days. You have been out for 3 whole fucking days."

I sucked in a breath. Shit shit shit. That was bad. Had my dad called? What did he think when he couldn't get a hold of me? What about my mother? God, my poor mother must be so worried. "Holy shit." was all i managed to mutter out.

The bedroom door opened and I stood. There in the doorway was Katherine, with her hands on her lips and her face in a scowl. She stomped her little foot and turned to Gio. "I TOLD you to wake me up if anything changed!" she said, her temper flaring.

Gio rolled his eyes. "You need to sleep Katie. Even you can't stay up forever. Plus, nothing has cha...."

"I swear to god Gio," She said gritting her teeth, "if you say 'nothing has changed' as I see him awake before me, I will rip your head off."

I gave a quick laugh but stopped. Son of bitch, when was that going to feel better? "Ah, I see you two are getting along well. Excellent."

Wrong answer. She turned to me with her eyes narrowed. "And you!" she exclaimed. "How stupid...foolish...idiotic..." she went on and on. I rolled my eyes. Women.

I took a step towards her and sighed. "Listen Katherine," I started to say but it didn't sound right coming out. Then, everything was dark again.


For the second time today, I found myself waking up in the bed at the safe house. Hell, what was wrong with me? I looked weak. I felt weak. Shit. Is this what getting shot does to a person? I had to give Katherine more credit, she made her recovery look easy.

As I sat up I heard them. I closed my eyes and listened a little closer. They were arguing, and it sounded like it was about me. Oh god.

Gio sounded exasperated. "Katie please," he said, trying to reason with her. "He is ok. I swear. He just needs some time."

She sounded mad. No, mad wasn't the right word. She was pissed off. "He fucking collapsed Gio! Right in front of us. That is NOT ok. We have to take him to the hospital. What if we didn't get it all out?"

"You know we can not do that! I've told you, we can't go to hospitals. They ask too many questions. They have to report gunshots to the authorities. We can't take that risk."

"Have you ever been shot Gio?" she asked coldly. He didn't answer, or if he did, it was too soft for me to hear through the door. "Because I have. And it's the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I was weak. I was tired. I was scared. Can't you think that maybe, just maybe, he is feeling the same way?"

It was quiet for a moment. What was going on? Why weren't they talking? Then I heard Gio again, but he was much softer. "Shit Katie. Don't cry. Come here."

I heard a shuffle outside, must be one of them moving to the other and her quiet sobs. Emotions hit me one after the other. I wanted to comfort her as she cried. I was mad I put us in this situation at all. And something new, that I didn't exactly know how to pinpoint. All I knew was the idea of Gio holding her, in any manner, made me want to punch him in his face.

I laid there mulling it over for god only knows how long. I didn't get up. It was getting dark outside again. Another day lost to this stupid situation. I barely noticed when she entered the room. She was quiet, probably thinking I was still unconscious, and moved quickly. She pulled the chair over to the edge of the bed, sat down, and sighed. I was going to roll over, tell her I was awake when she spoke. I sat still listening to her words.

"You're a goddamn fool." she said softly. "You scared the shit out of me." she continued on. She didn't realize I was awake. "When I saw you, I was so relieved and so scared at the same time. And gave her what she wanted. I'll see you dropping over and over every time I close my eyes for the rest of my life." she promised. She started to sniffle and I knew she was crying again. She laid her head down on my legs, using them as a pillow, and softly whispered "Just wake up ok? Just be ok. There is so much still I need to say."

She cried for a little while long before she finally fell asleep. I looked down at her, watching her sleep. She was so beautiful and I knew that I needed to protect her. I put her life in danger and now I have to set it right, I had to keep her safe. God, what had I gotten myself into now?

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