Chapter 15

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Wow. The only word that I could come up with when I thought about the last couple of days was wow. There was so much information floating around in my head. Lorenzo wasn't just part of the mafia. Oh no, that would be way too simple. He was the heir to the throne, destined to take over all his father's responsibilities. If that wasn't scary enough, he needed to get married first. My hands started to sweat.

Marriage. Holy shit. That was not something I had given much thought to, we'll ever. With as crazy as the last few months had been it hadn't moved up the priority list any more. I wrapped my arms around my waist. A wedding, the best day of a girl's life, without family. I would have to do it all alone with no mother to help me plan or sister to be a bridesmaid. My chest started to ache and I looked out the window, watching as the passing leaves were starting to turn color.

We had more than one issue with family and in this case, mine was not the issue. It had been two weeks since the interesting meet and greet with Lorenzo's sister and I was still shaken. Siena was intense and loud, but she did have a softer side to her. Her reaction did not comfort me when Lorenzo asked if I would go to dinner with the rest of his family.

I knew I cared a lot about Lorenzo. I wasn't sure if it was quiet love yet, but with how quickly my feelings are progressing, we can't be far off. With love comes sacrifice, so when he asked me I said yes. His family is important to him, is I needed to be brave. Gio briefed me on what to expect, how he thought each would react. He told me to be myself and that they would love me for me. But who was I? 6 months ago, I thought I knew that answer. But now I wasn't so sure.

Their estate was like a fortress. Lorenzo had to input a code at the large rod iron gate that went around the whole property. The driveway had to be a mile long, twisting and turning through the tree lined path. Their home was huge and beautifully crafted. I could feel myself tensing, my chest tightening, so I wrapped my arms even tighter around myself. I can do this. I will do this.

Lorenzo parked his car next to all the others. He didn't exit right away and I was glad. He touched my arm gently and I turned to face him. His eyes were soft and he gave a soft smile before he spoke. "Ready amore?"

I sighed "Yes. No. I don't know." I pulled my arm tighter around myself. Suddenly I felt very small, very young and I didn't like it. I felt the need to run.

He tugged at my arm but when I didn't let go right away he stopped. "It will all be okay. Just don't take anything they say personally. It will all be directed at me." He sighed. "Complicated, remember?"

I think he was trying to make a joke but it didn't make me feel any better. "How can I not? What if they hate me?" I felt my eyes welling with tears and I closed. I will not cry.

He swore in Italian and rolled his eyes. "I don't care."

"You don't care?" I asked skeptically.

"I don't care. Katherine nothing they can say can change my opinion."

Dammit. One traitorous tear slid down my cheek. "You don't know that. Family is important, complicated or not Lo."

He turned my face to his. His eyes were serious but still soft. "Please trust me. It will be okay." He gave a grin and leaned over to kiss the tear off my cheek. "Come on, we're already late."

I took a deep breath as he exited the car. I did trust him. Of course I did. He was right; this was going to be fine. It's just dinner. He opened my door and I took his hand. I was in a tight fitting black cocktail dress that was beautiful. Pair with red heels and red lipstick, I had to say, I looked hot. He kissed the top of my head and inside we went. He gave my hand a squeeze and I steeled myself. We were about to enter the lion's den.


The grand French doors opened from us as we approached. An older woman greeted us and led us into the dining room where the rest of the family was already sitting. The dinning room was elegant with a long dark wood table. At the head was an older man, who I assumed with Lorenzo's father.

He looked to be a bit shorter than Lorenzo but I can see the resemblance. Dark hair framed his hard face. He didn't smile and his dark brown eyes, the same color as Siena's, were hard. Next to him, an older woman touched his arm. She was beautiful, blond and thin with crystal blue eyes. She was every bit as gorgeous as Siena and I see where she got her looks from.

Siena was on her father's other side smiling a huge smile at me. Her brown eyes were glowing and she looked as if she would be bouncing with excitement if the circumstances were different. Next to her was a younger man, Manetto, and he was unusual. He had more of his mother's features making his face look kinder. His eyes were the same clear blue as Lorenzo's and his hair was blond. He appeared to be every bit as tall as Lorenzo. His eyes looked mischievous and I can tell he is the troublemaker of the family.

Lorenzo pulled out my chair and I sat down smiling. He sat next to me putting his hand on mine before speaking. "Ma, dad, this is Katherine. Katherine these are my parents, Matteo and Valentina Esposito. You met Siena." He continued nodding to her. "And this Manetto, my younger brother."

I tried to put on my most charming smile. "It is lovely to meet you all. Thank you for welcoming me into your home."

His father snorted but his mother gave a soft smile. "It's wonderful to meet you as well Katherine."

"Please, call me Katie." I said softly. So far, so good I suppose.

Dinner was served. Conversation remained light and all seemed to be going well. They seemed...normal. Like any other family having dinner. Until Manetto opened his mouth.

"So Katie," Manetto said casually. "How did you meet my brooding brother?"

"Manetto." Lorenzo warned. His voice was hard and his fist tightened. I held my breath. Shit.

"Lorenzo" Valentina scolded. "Be nice to you brother. Plus I'd like to know too."

For the first time, his father really spoke during this meal. "Yes Lorenzo. Tell us how you met Miss Fascel. We'd all love to hear how you fucked up once again."

"Vaffanculo." Lorenzo said coldly. I didn't speak Italian but with the way Valentina gasped it couldn't have been polite.

"Lorenzo!" Siena pleaded. "Ti prego, non farlo."

Chaos then ensued. Everyone was shouting in Italian. Lorenzo was screaming at his father, his father was throwing his hands up in the air. Valentina was trying to keep Lorenzo out of Matteo's face. Siena was crying and pleading with them. Manetto grabbed the bottle of wine and took a drink.

"Welcome to the family Katie. I hope you know what you're in for." He said and gave a laugh. Taking the bottle, he left the room laughing.

I sat there a few minutes longer listening to them argue. My chest started aching again. This isn't how it is supposed to be. Family isn't supposed to treat each other like this, especially over someone like me. I won't break his family up. I didn't have my family anymore and there was nothing I could do to save them. But this....this I could fix.

I pushed away from the table but they were so busy arguing they didn't even notice. I turned and walked out of the room not looking back. I need some space. I need some air. I need to get away from here.

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