Chapter 2 |Deaf and mute|

Start from the beginning

??? POV



I need to replace her...

I will create the destroyer soon or late...

3rd POV

Error now is buying more note book and pen for some else if they one want to talk to her if he doesn't know about an sign language.
After he buy it he went to teleport to his bedroom and put all the note book that he buy on a small cupboard.
He brough his bag cuz he want to go stargazing for awhile its been so long that he never stargazing and he miss the star! He brought some chocolate, 2 pen, and 2 note book and some kniting supplies. And then he opened the portal to his fav cliff and start to sit and stargazing.

Outer who is very happy cuz the destroyer doesn't destroy anymore now. He saw error sitting rigth to the cliff. Hes turn into angry emotion.

How that destroyer still alive?!?!?!(Outer POV)

Outer start to let out of his blaster and step closer to error.

"I can believe you are still alive..."(Outer)

Error looked at his back and flinched and quickly take his note book before outer going to blast her.

Outer POV

Huh?! What is he doing with his stupid note book!
Oh hes done writing and show it to me...

'Wait! Stop! I didn't mean harm i dont want to destroy your au i swear!'

Huh? Is he serious? Welp he seems scared and i cant see theres alot of injuries and some scars around of his body from the last bloody figth. *Sigh* okay then i will try to talk to her.

"Can you talk?"(Outer)

Error start to write again and my feeling is kinda weird...


Wait what?!?! He cant talk?!

"Do you cant hear as well too?"

Error write again.


WHAT?!?!?! how is he still cant hear me.

"Um how about we talked on a chair on there"

Im points at the chair in the middle of the grass and forest cuz im afraid that he suddenly fell to the void.
He nodded.
Then when we both already have a seat. Im started to ask.

"How you could hear me?"

Error start to write but its kinda long so im wait for her to done writing.

'Medic give me some earape so i can hear smth even though i dont have an ears'

Oh rigth how i could be so dumb. I can see it on the side of his skull left and rigth.

"Do you still scared of me?"

Meh he probably still scared that i will call ink or smth

'Not to much'

Not to much huh. Oh rigth i forgot to ask her smth. Cuz im the one who make him deaf and mute with the others too.

"Error do you uhhh..."

He give me an questions glare.

"Do you forgive me?"

Error take his note book very quick and start to write again im very scared that he wont never forgive me.

'Ofc i forgive you! Im also already forgive medic!'


"After what i did to you?"

Hes nodded. Hes completely forgive me now after what i do to her...
I just want to cry error suddenly hug me and pat my back.
Then i hugged her back. I thought error have some hapephobia (sorry if its wrong)
After that his smiled and make me smiled to.
And then im try to do some sign language that i know from anime that i remembered.

'Can you and i be friends?'(Outer sign language)

He is nodded. Im glad that he accepted me. I must fix my mistake.
Oh error is writing again?

'Outer im going home now before NM is slightly worried about me'

"Oh sure go ahead..."

Error opened a portal and wave his hand to me and i wave her back.

Its was really cool? I guess.

3rd POV

Error come back with a cheerful face. Cross asked him with his sign language that he learn from an book and get teached by NM.

'Whats wrong error you seems happy today'(Cross sign language)

'Today outer apologise to me and want to be friend with me! Also he almost cried when i told him that im deaf and mute but im already calm him down!'(Error sign language)

'Oh well did he almost attack you'(Cross sign language)

'Yeah though'(Error sign language)

'Thank goodness that your okay now how about you got some rest? You must be tired'(Cross sign language)

'Okay see you around cross' (Error sign language)

Error wave his hand to cross and cross wave back on her from now on. Speaking to error through an sign language its being an routine for the bad guys. Even though their finger will get tired but they always say that is fun to talk with error with an sign language.

In error's room.

Error take of his bag and put it on beside left on his bed and start to change his clothes. Blue sweater and some dark blue long pants. From now error is never feel hurt anymore and have some alot of sleep and eating some thing. Hes also not forget to put his chocolates on the fridge in the kitchen.
After he put the chocolates hes go back to his bedrooms and goes the bed and start to sleep to take some rest.
Heyo author is here!!

Can i ask you something? Can you give me an dare pls? Pllsssss you can add some another character to! Like sonic, deku or smth that you like!
Pls give me some dare °^°
I will wait for your respond byeee!!!
Word counts : 1534 words

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