Uzumaki Twins bio

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name: Y/n Uzumaki

locked inside: the nine tails. Ying and yang energy, six paths energy, sage mode

like: his brother, Percy, friends, family, his harem, training,video game, pranks, teasing his lovers, practicing jutsus,training his brother. dark color clothes, 

dislike: bright abnoxish  colored clothing, bullies, people he cares for getting hurt, the leaf village,village hating naruto even though he doesn't have the nine tails, betrayal

 age: 13 

personality: sweet (to the ones he cares about) 

cruel( to those who hurt love ones has  or wishes to )

protective of his little brother,family,friends, and lovers

smart but plays dumb in village

friends with the nine tails 

helps  naruto train 






-sexy jutsu:It's a jutsu so ridiculous that no one even expects it. We have seen great ninjas like Hiruzen Sarutobi (The Third Hokage) getting a heavy nosebleed when seeing this jutsu or even when Naruto used this jutsu on his former teacher Jiraiya. Let's just say Jiraiya completely lost it. It takes a spot on this list because even though it's a funny jutsu, nevertheless it's a jutsu that will distract your opponent for sure, creating a precious opening for the next attack.

-Wind style: Rasen-Shuriken:  With the help of two shadow clones, Naruto is able to create a massive shuriken with wind styled chakra. The technique produces a loud high-pitched noise when the jutsu is being made as well as afterwards, when the formation of the large wind-formed shuriken is made. It's a jutsu that will completely destroy it's target when Naruto throws it at his opponent and it even expands to dish out the most damage possible.

- Rasengan:It's a jutsu which does not need any time focusing on hand seals. Not only is Rasengan a powerful jutsu, but it's also hard to learn and to master. Rasengan purely relies on the user's chakra and how well it is being controlled. When Rasengan is complete, it is self-sustaining which means it doesn't have a limit to itself like the opposite jutsu, Chidori. When Rasengan comes in contact with whatever it touches, it goes through it with great force making the target launch, spiralling backwards. The creator of the Chidori jutsu, Kakashi, even states that because of the power and force Rasengan possess, it is a greater jutsu than the Chidori.

-shadow clone jutsu: This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on.when a shadow clone is dispelled or destroyed the infromantion an memeries go to back to the original along with power restored

-clone exploding jutsu: The user creates a shadow , intending for their opponents to attack the clone at close range. After a certain amount of time has passed, the clone detonates, creating a large explosion. If opponents happen to notice that it's a shadow clone they may be able to escape in time, for which reason the user should try to conceal the clone's identity and purpose as much as possible.

Adamantine sealing chains:The Adamantine Sealing Chains is a fuinjutsu used by members of the Uzumaki clan.This technique moulds the user's chakra into extremely durable chains which can be used for several purposes, such as physically restraining or directly combating their targets foes even as powerful as a tailed beast. According to Orochimaru, these chain's could also be used to bind the chakra, completely neutralising them. Using her chain's, Uzumaki Kushina could also erect a barrier strong enough to prevent anyone or anything from entering or leaving the perimeter defined by the chains. The barrier was very durable, as Sarutobi Hiruzen (Third Hokage) stated that there was nothing anyone could do to interfere with what Minato and Uzumaki Kushina were doing once it had been erected.These chain's also made up her seal, completely pinning the fox down with several spikes in her own mind. Even while near death, Uzumaki Kushina was able to use these chains in the physical realm to restrain Kurama, enabling Namikaze Minato to use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal.After Namikaze Minato sealed a portion of Uzumaki Kushina's chakra inside of her son Uzumaki Naruto, Kushina was able to manifest a weaker version of this technique through Uzumaki Naruto. In conjunction with her special chakra, Uzumaki Kushina was able to temporarily restrain Kurama in Uzumaki Naruto's subconscious.

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