chapter 2: Museum trip, shockers, and new aunt

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Percy pov: I wake up  hop in the shower get out and I get dress I walk to the meeting place where the class is supposed to m eet for the school trip I arrive and I see the twins are the only ones there I begin remembering how I meet them to meet it was the beginning of the second semester they came into class introduce them selfs to class they were assigned seats next to me  they were admired by the girls and they were hated by a lot of the boys mainly because the Uzumaki is a wealthy family I thought they be just like the rest of the  rich kids oh how wrong I was Nancy   was messing with me the twins prank her ended up dying her hair green though it was washable and no one ever found out it was the twins she walked in not happy  everyone laughs the twins smirk  at this after class Y/n stop me and naruto whisper you like our prank i ask how why they old me they were always bullied at there old school and they understood my pain they then pull out there phones showing me there photos of them changing nancies hair they put their index finger to mouth signalling to keep quiet from then on we got to know one another they told me stories from there old world and being trained ninjas  i didn't believe them until they told me the 3 of us became like brothers to the point they call me little bro and i call them big brother or brother. I walk up to them and Y/n is doing push-ups the people start showing up as usual girls look at Y/n he doesn't notice all the girls like the twins they never could decide who is better Naruto and Y/n are the same in many ways besides hair and Y/n gets b's and c's and trains constantly he also slightly taller. While Naruto Works out a lot but is a c average student and shorter. Hey big bros I say to Y/n and Naruto. Hey little bro they say in sync. I smile at them y/n stands up and sit on the short wall next to the stairs me and Naruto on either side of him. y/n shouts yo G overhear I notice  Grover looking nervice same with Mr.Brunner. When Ms. Dodds arrives a mean old woman who seems out for me the first day but seems so respectful to the twins. Anyway, when she arrives we get on the bus on the ride there Nancy kept throwing her lunch into Grover's hair I was getting mad but Grover calm down Percy it fine besides you are on parole I look over to the twins they have there pranking face on. Don't worry G-man I won't do anything with that Y/n stands up says Nancy stop that a lady shouldn't act in such a manner she went red as a tomato and says Y/n I don/t know why you and your brother hang with a bunch of nobodies like them especially when you could have me Y/n. Big brother Y/n put on his thinking face and went hmmm hang with honest and loyal and not a future plastic gold digger trophy wife wanna be. excuse me exclaimed Nancy naruto says Nii-chan she is a wanna be barbie and acts slutty even though she's 12 it's utterly disgusting a baboons butt has more class than she. With that, all the students laugh we were hushed by us arriving at the museum we stood up when nancy took a step she fell Naruto tied her shoelaces together while  Y/n distracts Naru then return and insults her along with him. Mr.brunner walks us through the greek exhibit we just finish talking about a daughter of Zeus name Thalia as we move on the twins and I see Mr.Brunner looking at the memorial shrine of Thalia like he knew her. We move on Mr.Brunner than say Mr.Jackson Mr.Uzumais  who is this he and what does this represent points things. the twins and I look at each other we speak in sync. 

Y/n pov: Brother and Percy speak in sync with me the man is Perseus. Then Naru started that other picture is of Kronos eating his kids then Percy continued Rhea his wife hid there youngest and gave him a rock later Zeus came back tricked his dad into drink some wine mix with mustard then I finished it by saying after he threw up his children the titian went to war with the gods won with Zeus getting the sky and being king of Olympus, Poseidon the sea, and Hades the underworld. This all started because of a prophecy that the king of titan was to overthrown by his kids he only started the prophecy by his actions and for that he was chopped up and his body was buried in deep places of the world hard to find. Full credit to the 3 of you. Nancy mutters there's no point in learning this it's not any use to us in the real world. Tell me boys why is it important because obvious Ms.Bobofit does not. After he said that said girl blushes Percy said I don't sir sorry Naruto said the same he looks to me can't say I know sir maybe the way they live might help. How so Mr.B ask well we could learn such as their beautiful architecture the way they treated nature with more respect. All and all the past may be in the past but there is much we can learn so we don't repeat it. I was not looking for that but well said Mr. Uzumaki commented Mr.B. Now, Ms. Dodds, will you lead us to our lunch area she did. Me, my brother, Percy, and G were sitting at the fountain The Ugly Trio walk Bobofit dumped half her lunch on Gman Naruto, Percy, and I growled Naruto and I used shadows to hold her while water came out splash her and the shadows through her in the fountain. she begins fake crying saying we three pushed her Ms.D said come with me honeys Grover tried to say it was him I looked at him don't worry G we will be ok we followed the very fast old lady we were back in the greek part of the museum she looks at Perce where is it we looked at her like she escaped from a mental ward. Where's the lightning bolt Jackson I won't forgive you for bringing young masters into this. she shifts but when she does brother and me through a kuini I then shushin behind her and slit her throat she turns to dust we left the area went to the gift shop bought a new shirt for Bobofit we put some itching powder on it we returned and Bobofit says I hope Ms.Braine taught you three a lesson we were confused who was this person women they are talking about we asked many of ms. D know one knew or if they did they are lying its obvious G is I mm Naru ' Naru-chan I think something made them forget but g and mr.B remember' i say through our link he responds 'I know Nii-chan what we do' he asked 'nothing yet I have a feeling we should not out them' I say 'agreed' he says with that our linked end.

twin Uzumaki prince of the underworld (male insert Uzumaki x PJO/Naruto harem)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz