Moment of Truth

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                                                                    Fourth Quarter.

The rain was heavy and solemn as it poured down on the stadium, it's fast falling rain drops managing to please that of Shuiro as she could barely see each individual drop. It was so nice, seeing the world like everyone else did, fast and how it was supposed to be. Seeing the world in slow motion means everything around you passes by slowly, you begin thinking that you are twice-- triple your age in some point.

But now, with her controlled ability, Shuiro could finally be herself. She could finally look around without having to calculate, analyze and watch as someone took forever and a day to walk over to her. She looked up at the roof of the stadium which seemed untouchable as her red hair, currently restrained in a high ponytail, brushed against her neck. Her mismatched eyes were frighteningly happy. 

Ones happiness doesn't last forever though, even for Shuiro as she soon found herself closing her eyes and willing everything to slow down. Hayama had just recently pressed all five fingers onto the ball and the only person in the team that could catch the invisible ball was the Akashi's, though the younger boy was on the other side of the court so Shurio was the only one capable of catching.

The orange sphere bounced tauntingly invisibly in front of the captain of Seirin, Hyuga Junpei, as he was unable to see where the ball was enabling him from stealing it. Suddenly, the power dribbler's hand flicked at the ball was in the hands of the mystery twin of Seijuuro. Hyuga did not underestimate the girl and made a move to run and cover her, orders by Riko.

But what had happened?

Shuiro saw through her 'Dilatory' eye all members of Seirin's foot's beginning to pivot, signifying them about to block her. Surely they were underestimating her, Shuiro's talent had yet to be revealed to even Kuroko. If they were trying to win in a competition of speed they were going to lose. Before Shuiro could even run, she tried to pin-point the teal haired phantom player.

He was close and moving fast for someone in slow motion. Seeing this, Shuiro began to run. Sure, she wanted Seirin to win but she wouldn't let them come on top without flaunting her own abilities too. Regardless of how much she favoritized Kuroko, she wanted him and his new 'lightl' to overcome the hell that was her.

"I'm faster." She said sweetly before she showed them what fear was.

Akashi's smug smile could not be restrained as Shuiro's eyes speedily examined every member on the court, speaking the sentence that had been dubbed as her 'catchphrase' before she became a simple blur of red and white. In no time at all, she was pass all the defense members, hanging on the rim of the basketball hoop, the orange ball bouncing loudly on the smooth wood.

Shuiro spun and landed dantly on the floor, her red hair brushing against the nape of her neck seeing as it was restrained into a high ponytail. The crowd was roaring with cheers but the court was deathly silent as she smiled at them, deactivating her eye and bowing.

"Please, don't underestimate my speed." Kagami's eyes widened. 'That speed was anything but normal! She's a monster!' Kuroko was even more surprised, never having had guessed that he power was speed and such a tremendous amount of it too.


Aomine and Momoi's mouths were wide as they saw the unmoving court. Seirin called for a timeout and a two minutes break was being given, "Satsuki, how strong are her legs?" Aomine struggled to say. He hadn't seen someone so fast.

Momoi didn't bat an eyelash, "They are strong but they wouldn't be able to carry her at such a speed." Then how was it possible?  "What message are they trying to send?!"

Dying Embers [Kuroko No Basket Fan Fiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora